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P is for PIN: “The website works with a concept itcalls ‘Pin the Creeps’, allowing women to reportincidents of harassment and abuse.” (India)P is also for PRESENT: “The challenge for feministactivists is to find ways of remaining present in thedigital sphere in order to transform online relationsand advance ethical digital citizenship.” (NewZealand)Q is for QUOTA: “Although the quota providesan opportunity for women to have a voice at thetable, they are aware that ‘token’ females could beselected to run in constituencies where they haveno chance of winning.” (Cook Islands)R is for RELIGION: “Religion and culture shouldbe used to empower a woman and not toprevent her from full self-actualisation and equalopportunities…” (Uganda)S is for SUPERWOMEN: “Women are expectedto perform like superwomen, juggling theirresponsibilities to their electorates as well as totheir families.” (Cook Islands)S is also for SEVEN: “Seven out of ten studentsaccept unknown contacts in social networks anddisplay themselves over the webcam or exchangephotographs.” (Bolivia)T is for TRAGEDY: “The insecurity faced byIndigenous women and girls in Canada is a nationalhuman rights tragedy.” (Canada)T is also for TRIVIALISATION: “This trivialisation ofharm is reminiscent of the many years domesticviolence was downplayed in Kenya.” (Kenya)U is for UNIVERSAL: “Communications must beuniversal. Everyone has a right to communicationsthat are available, affordable and accessible.”(South Africa)V is for VIOLENCE: “Violence against women is aviolation of human rights, and an expression ofpower, domination and control over their bodiesand lives.” (Peru)W is for WARSHIP: “In October 2012 Women onWaves was in Morocco, at the invitation of localrights organisation MALI, to launch the Moroccansafe abortion hotline. Warned of their coming, awarship waited at sea, ready to block the entranceto the marina.” (The Netherlands)X is for SEX: “Other women, often personalitiesfrom the world of politics, journalism or business,regularly see photographs of themselves circulatedin photo montages of naked bodies in the sexualact.” (DRC)Y is YASMINA: “Yasmina became a championfor online and offline communities in citizenengagement in legislative and democraticprocesses. She accepted the role, informing usvia Twitter and Facebook of all the issues thatshe believes are important to the citizens.” (Côted’Ivoire)Z is for SILENZIO: “Per uscire dal silenzio (Stop thesilence).” (Italy) n65 / Global Information Society Watch

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