Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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ecome the long term debt to be repaid with electricity savings in a payback duration notto exceed 10-years. The contract amount is thus a product of the payback amount timesthe number of years of the payback duration.3. APPROACH - 17 points maximuma. Understanding of the nature and extent of the services required.b. Agreement to perform the work at no cost to the City.c. A specific outline of how the work will be performed.d. A timeline for the execution of the work.e. Financing plan and payback.f. Awareness of potential problems and providing possible solutions.g. Special resources the team offers that are relevant to the successful completion of theproject.4. ORGANIZATION - 15 points maximuma. Current workload.b. Available staff.c. Resources.d. Capacity and flexibility to meet schedules, including any unexpected work.e. Ability to perform on short notice and under time constraints.f. Cost control procedures in design, procurement, construction and documentation.g. Ability to perform coordination with PG&E.5. MATERIALS - 17 points maximuma. Made in the USA.b. Certified products that are listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. orother testing firm acceptable to the City as suitable for purpose specified and shown.c. Consultant’s Luminaries Photometric Evaluation that the proposed products will meet orexceed the application.6. OTHER FACTORS - 10 points maximuma. Risk, references, track records, completeness, clarity and responsiveness of proposal.7. PREFERENCE POINTS – 12.5 points maximum(In addition to possible 100 points for technical value)a. <strong>Oakland</strong> Business Level of Participation: 2 to 5 pointsb. Local <strong>Oakland</strong> Business Participation: 0 to 5 pointsc. Long Term <strong>Oakland</strong> Business: 0 to 2.5 pointsB. Interview Process (This process is subject to change)Interviews of short-listed qualified candidates may be held if a selection is not made from theevaluation phase. In that event, the City may invite up to three teams for interview. The selectedteams will be notified in writing about the interview date and will be required to submit adetailed work scope, work schedule, and labor distribution spreadsheet (estimated hours by taskby the consultant) the day before the interview. The City plans to conduct the interviews withinPage 22 of 24

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