Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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APPENDIX Bprovided by the Resident Engineer.REPLACE SUBSECTION 7-3 LIABILITY INSURANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING:7-3 CITY OF OAKLAND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.1. Required Insurance. The Contractor shall procure, prior to commencement of service, and keep inforce for the term of this contract, at Contractor's own cost and expense, the following policies of insuranceor certificates or binders as necessary to represent that coverage as specified below is in place withcompanies doing business in California and acceptable to the City. The insurance shall at a minimuminclude as per the Attachment Schedule Q.ADD NEW SUBSECTION 7-3.1 TO READ:7-3.1 Responsibility for Damage. The City and/or its Council, and/or its employees, shall not beanswerable or accountable in any manner for any loss or damage that may happen to the work or any partthereof; or to any material or equipment used in performing the work; or for injury or damage to any personor persons, either employers, workmen, or the public; or for damage to property or loss or use thereof fromany cause whatsoever during the progress of the work or at any time before final acceptance.To the extent not otherwise prohibited by Section 2782 of the Civil Code of the State of California, theContractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of <strong>Oakland</strong>, its Council, officers and employees, fromany suits, claims or actions brought by any person or persons, or corporations, or other entities for or onaccount of any bodily injuries or disease or illness, or damages of any nature, however caused, andregardless of responsibility for negligence, sustained as a result of or arising within the work. The CityCouncil may retain as much of the money due to Contractor as shall be considered necessary untildisposition has been made of such suits or claims for damages as aforesaid.Neither the City Administrator, Council, the City Engineer, the PWA Director, nor any other officer orauthorized assistant or agent of the City shall be personally responsible for any liability arising under thecontract.The City shall not be held responsible for the care or protection of any material or parts of the work priorto final acceptance, except as expressly provided in these specifications.ADD NEW SUBSECTION 7-3.2 TO READ:7-3.2 Graffiti Abatement. Equipments, storage containers, toilet facilities and supplies provided by thecontractor shall be free of graffiti. Any graffiti placed on the equipment or supplies shall be removed/cleanedwithin 24 hours.7-4 WORKER’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE.DELETE SUBSECTION 7-4. INSTEAD REFER TO SUBSECTION 7-3.CHANGE SUBSECTION 7-5 TO READ:7-5 PERMITS AND LICENSES. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all relatedcharges and fees for any required permit or license, and give all notices necessary and incidental for the dueand lawful prosecution of the work. All charges and fees for any required permit or license shall be includedin the base bid for the project.7-6 THE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE.ADD THE FOLLOWING TWO PARAGRAPHS TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 7-6:The Contractor's representative shall be an employee of the Contractor and shall be present at the worksite at all times while work is in progress. The Contractor's representative shall personally supervise thework of all subcontractors. At a minimum, the Contractor's representative must be onsite at the beginningand end of each workday to coordinate the Contractor's workforce and receive instructions from the Agency.The Contractor may be fined $500 per day for every day in violation of this Subsection. In addition, theContractor’s failure to provide a representative with authority to direct all facets of the work shall be groundsfor suspending the work. Contract time shall continue to run if the Agency suspends the work for violation ofthis Subsection. When work is not in progress and during periods of work suspension, arrangementsacceptable to the Agency shall be made for performance of emergency work when required.7-7 COOPERATION AND COLLATERAL.ADD THE FOLLOWING TWO PARAGRAPHS TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 7-7:The Contractor shall notify the City of <strong>Oakland</strong> Sewer Maintenance Section at (510) 615-5566 when a<strong>Oakland</strong> <strong>Street</strong> <strong>Lighting</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> <strong>Project</strong><strong>Project</strong> Special Provisions D-20 Bid Documents: Feb 2012 Update

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