Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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manner in which the work under this Agreement is performed. Prior to execution of thisagreement, Contractor shall complete Schedule M, Independent ContractorQuestionnaire, attached hereto.c. Payment of Income TaxesContractor is responsible for paying, when due, all income taxes, including estimatedtaxes, incurred as a result of the compensation paid by the City to Contractor for servicesunder this Agreement. On request, Contractor will provide the City with proof of timelypayment. Contractor agrees to indemnify the City for any claims, costs, losses, fees,penalties, interest or damages suffered by the City resulting from Contractor’s failure tocomply with this provision.d. Non-Exclusive RelationshipContractor may perform services for, and contract with, as many additional clients,persons or companies as Contractor, in his or her sole discretion, sees fit.e. Tools, Materials and EquipmentContractor will supply all tools, materials and equipment required to perform theservices under this Agreement.f. Cooperation of the CityThe City agrees to comply with all reasonable requests of Contractor necessary to theperformance of Contractor’s duties under this Agreement.g. Extra WorkContractor will do no extra work under this Agreement without first receiving priorwritten authorization from the City.6. Proprietary of Confidential Information of the CityContractor understands and agrees that, in the performance of the work or services under thisAgreement or in contemplation thereof, Contractor may have access to private or confidentialinformation which may be owned or controlled by the City and that such information maycontain proprietary or confidential details, the disclosure of which to third parties may bedamaging to the City. Contractor agrees that all information disclosed by the City toContractor shall be held in confidence and used only in performance of the Agreement.Contractor shall exercise the same standard of care to protect such information as areasonably prudent contractor would use to protect its own proprietary data.<strong>Project</strong> Name Page 3 of 24 Rev. 05/31/ 2012

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