Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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APPENDIX Bset forth under the "Total" column shall be the extension of the item price bid on the basis of the estimatedquantity.In case of a discrepancy between the item price and the total set forth for the item, the item price shallprevail. However, if the amount set forth as an item price is ambiguous, unintelligible, or uncertain for anycause, or if omitted, or in the case of unit basis items, is the same amount as the entry on the "Total" column,then the amount set forth in the "Total" column for the items shall prevail in accordance with the following:1) As to lump sum items, the amount set forth in the "Total" column shall be the item price.2) As to unit basis items, the amount set forth in the "Total" column shall be divided by the estimatedquantity for the item and the price thus obtained shall be the item price. All bids shall be clearly anddistinctly written. The bidder, who shall fill in all blanks in the proposal forms as therein required, shallsign the proposal.3) As to add or subtract alternate bids, any discrepancy between the proposal form and changes madeby the bidder, the amount shown will be for the alternate as shown on the proposal form.2-1.9 Award of Contract. The contract award, if made, will be by the Council and will be to the lowestresponsible bidder whose proposal complies with all the requirements of the Specifications and OrdinanceNo. 7937 CMS as amended. The award, if made, will be made within 60 days after the opening of the bidsor as specified in the Special Provisions. The Contractor will be required to hold prices for that 60 days. Allbids will be compared on the basis of the Engineer's estimate of quantities of work to be done and/or lumpsum bid items. The Council reserves the right to waive any informality or minor irregularity in the bids.2-1.10 Contract Execution. The contract shall be signed by the successful bidder and returned togetherwith the contract bonds, appropriate insurance documents and a copy of Form DE6 (Quarterly Wage Report)for the prime and subcontractors listed in the bid proposal, within 20 days after the receipt of such contract. Ifthe bidder fails or refuses to enter into the contract to do the work, or fails to provide the contract bonds,appropriate insurance documents and the prime and subcontractor’s Form DE6 (Quarterly Wage Report) asrequired, then the certified check or bid bond accompanying this bid and the amount herein mentioned shallbe forfeited, and/or a fine of $1,000 per day, shall be collected by the City of <strong>Oakland</strong> and paid into the CityTreasury.2-1.11 Return of Guaranty of the Successful Bidder. The check, or bid bond accompanying theaccepted bid will be held by the City Clerk until the contract has been entered into, and the bondsaccompanying the same are approved and filed, whereupon the certified check or bid bond will be returnedto the successful bidder.2-3 SUBCONTRACTS.2-3.2 Self Performance.DELETE SUBSECTION 2-3-2.2-3.3 Status of Subcontractors.DELETE THE THIRD PARAGRAPH OF SUBSECTION 2-3.3ADD NEW SUBSECTION 2-3.4:2-3.4 Miscellaneous. The Contractor may utilize the service of specialty Subcontractors on those parts ofthe work that, under normal contracting practices, is performed by specialty Subcontractors.The Contractor shall not award any work to any Subcontractor without prior written approval of the City.Approval will not be given until the Contractor submits to the City a written statement concerning theproposed award to the Subcontractor, which statement shall contain such information as the City mayrequire.The Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of persons directlyemployed by him.The Contractor shall cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts relative to the workto bind Subcontractors to the Contractor by the terms of the General Provisions and other contractdocuments insofar as applicable to the work of Subcontractors and to give the Contractor the same power asregards terminating any subcontract that the City may exercise over the Contractor under any provisions ofthe contract documents.Nothing contained in this contract shall create any contractual relation between any Subcontractor andthe City.2-4 CONTRACT BONDS.REPLACE THE SECOND AND THIRD SENTENCES OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH WITH THEFOLLOWING:<strong>Oakland</strong> <strong>Street</strong> <strong>Lighting</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> <strong>Project</strong><strong>Project</strong> Special Provisions D-4 Bid Documents: Feb 2012 Update

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