Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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APPENDIX Bh. All street light circuits shall be tagged in service boxes and in every curb box where more than onecircuit appears. Circuits shall be identified using 3/8-inch plastic tape with letters printed with atapewriter. The self-adhesive tape shall be wrapped around the conductors and folded back on itself toform a tag. The description shall be printed on the tail of the tag.i. All detector lead-in cables shall be tagged in the curb box where they splice to the loop andmagnetometer head lead-in and in the local controller. The tagging method shall be the same asdescribed for street light circuits.ADD NEW PARAGRAPHS TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 307-13.2 TO READ:307-13.2 Splices. <strong>Street</strong> lighting splices shall generally use approved compression type devices, BurndyType YC-C, or equal. For "T" splices, the through conductor shall not be broken. Handmade splices may beused but procedure must be approved before making up the splices.The splice shall be taped to 1-1/2 times the thickness of the original insulation with 3/4" wide, 7 mil,electrical tape, or approved equal. Each layer shall lap 1/4" over the preceding layer along the originalinsulation. Apply waterproof sealer to finished splice and allow drying before placing in the box.Traffic signal cables shall be spliced in watertight splicing chambers. The watertight splicing chambershall be fabricated as shown on StandardDetails. The Engineer will lend a sample chamber if the Contractordesires.ADD NEW PARAGRAPHS TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 307-13.4 TO READ:307-13.4 Bonding and Grounding. Conduit bonding and the ground rod location in curb boxes shallconform to the StandardDetails.Ground rods shall be installed in curb boxes and/or foundations as shown on the plans.307-13.5 Restoration of Existing Wires and Cables.All existing streetlights are fully functional and the Contractor shall not modify any of the existing streetlightwirings. At locations where the Contractor must remove existing conductors to install the new substructure,the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that existing wirings are reconnected exactly as found or asspecified in the plans and are left fully functional after new wires and cables are installed. The Contractorshall restore any damages they make on the existing wirings. The Contractor shall conduct tests, in thepresence of the Engineer, to record the operational condition of existing wires and cables prior to completionif it is suspected that such wires or cables are not currently fully functional.307-14 SERVICESADD NEW PARAGRAPHS TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 307-14.1 TO READ:307-14.1 General.<strong>Street</strong>light and traffic signal services shall be connected to the service utility's wires at those locations shownon the plans. The Contractor shall obtain a permit for each traffic signal and irrigation controller serviceinstalled. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the service installation with the serving utility.At all new and modified service locations, the Contractor shall furnish conduit, curb box, conductors, andall other necessary material to complete the installation to the service location in accordance with the servingutility's rules and regulations. The Contractor shall pay all utility company connection.Service arrangement for meter, fuses and circuit breakers are shown on the Plans, Standard Details orSpecifications.ADD NEW PARAGRAPH TO THE END OF SUBSECTION 307-14.2 TO READ:307-14.2 Services on Utility-Owned Poles. Service riser conduit shall terminate with a service head orshall be sealed to prevent the entrance of water, as approved by the serving utility.ADD NEW SUBSECTION 307-14.6 TO READ:307-14.6 Service Pedestal. For installation of new street lights or traffic signal system, a service pedestalthat conforms to 209-3.10.2 is required.ADD NEW SUBSECTION 307-14.7 TO READ:307-14.7 Measurement. Service Pedestal shall be measured by each unit implemented which include thematerial, the foundation, conduit(s) for the utility service and conduits for street light/traffic signal, ground rod,pull rope, anchor bolts and all other materials needed to complete the installation.<strong>Oakland</strong> <strong>Street</strong> <strong>Lighting</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> <strong>Project</strong><strong>Project</strong> Special Provisions D-37 Bid Documents: Feb 2012 Update

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