Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator

Oakland Street Lighting Conversion Project - Navigator


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APPENDIX BContractor certifies that he/she is aware of the provisions of section 3700 of theCalifornia Labor Code, which requires every employer to provide Workers'Compensation coverage, or to undertake self-insurance in accordance withthe provisions of that Code. The Contractor shall comply with theprovisions of section 3700 of the California Labor Code before commencingperformance of the work under this Agreement and thereafter as required bythat code.iv.Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions insurance as appropriatefor design/build operations with limits not less than $2,000,000 each claimand $2,000,000 aggregate. . If the professional liability/errors andomissions insurance is written on a claims made form:a. The retroactive date must be shown and must be before the date of thecontract or the beginning of work.b. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must beprovided for at least three (3) years after completion of the contractwork.c. If coverage is cancelled or non-renewed and not replaced with anotherclaims made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the contracteffective date, the contractor must purchase extended period coverage fora minimum of three (3) years after completion of work.v. Builders’ Risk/Course of Construction Insurance (CP 10 30) coveringall risks of loss in an amount equal to the completed value form with nocoinsurance penalty provisions and in an amount equal to the initialcontract sum, subject to subsequent modification of the contract sum. Theinsurance shall apply on a replacement cost basis. The insurance shallname as insured the City of <strong>Oakland</strong>, the Contractor and all subcontractorsin the work. The insurance shall cover the entire work at the siteidentified in the Scope of Work, including reasonable compensation forarchitects’ services and expenses made necessary by an insured loss.Insured property shall include portions of the work located away from thesite but intended for use at the site and shall also cover portions of thework in transit. The policy shall cover the cost of removing debris,including demolition as may be made legally necessary by the operation ofany law, ordinance or regulation. The insurance shall be maintained ineffect until the project has been accepted as substantially complete. Theinsurer shall waive all rights of subrogation against the City.b. Terms Conditions and EndorsementsThe aforementioned insurance shall be endorsed and have all the followingconditions:i. Insured Status (Additional Insured): Contractor shall provide insured statususing ISO endorsement CG 20 10 or its equivalent naming the City of<strong>Project</strong> Special Provisions D-50 Bid Documents: JAN 2012 Update

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