PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR


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Czechoslovakia and Romania. There were no reproachful conclusions drawn against Yugoslavia,although the letter from Esztergom relating to the murder of 40-50 thousand Hungarians inBacska was likely to have been in Gyongyosi's pockets. They did not dare mention153grievances of the invasion of North Torontal and North Bacska, both parts of the remnants ofHungary defined by Trianon in the 1920 Peace Treaty by Serbian partisan gangs withoutauthority in September and October. <strong>This</strong> meant plundering, ransoming and kidnapping. On oneoccasion they forced their way into the railway station of Szeged with an armored train. Afterhaving plundered food and clothes, they returned with full wagons to Serbian territory.The attack and indictment by the Yugoslavian "peace-delegate" in concern with thePeace Treaty with Hungary took place on August 24, 1946:"Today we have started the debate of the Hungarian Treaty Proposal, said the Serbdelegate, Edward Kardelj; I would like to relate the Yugoslavian delegation's viewpoint withsome general remarks:The Yugoslavian nations for centuries have been the victims of Hungarian feudal lordsand chauvinists, who had been possessed by the idea of expansion for the creation of the St.Stephen's Crown's State. The St. Stephen's State was to expand to the Adriatic, which pursued aviolent policy against our population, and backed all policies which aimed at the weakening ofthe Yugoslavian nations and states.There are various forms of Hungarian assaults against the Yugoslavians, such as thesubjugation and violent assimilation in the first centuries, when the Hungarians and theYugoslavians got in touch on the Pannon Plateau. There had been the expansion of the regime oncertain parts of Yugoslavian national territories; the policy that lasted through several centuriesuntil the Turkish invasion. There had been the vehement and repeated pursuit of theYugoslavians, their relocation and murder after the great defeat from the Turks. There was apolicy of national oppression and permanent Magyarization with new methods in recent times,especially after the compromise of 1867 between Austria and Hungary. Horthy infected theHungarian nation with revisionist ideas, who based its policy on the revival of the St. StephenEmpire."The opening argument is abundant in blatant falsifications of history. In the beginning ofour <strong>book</strong>, we related in accordance with historiography, that at the time of the Hungarianconquest, there was only a thin Bulgarian and Slavic population on the South Plain; theinfiltration of Serbs was to come in the following centuries. It was especially the consequence ofthe northward-154bound expansion of the Turkish Empire. The Serbs had their rights, and demanded more andmore of them; they suffered no violent assimilation."The Hungarian imperialists and chauvinists were incapable of accepting the bordersfixed in the peace treaty of Trianon after World War I. They nursed permanent resentment and

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