PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR


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"My younger brother, Bandi, was taken away on Sunday and was executed in the yard of theVillage Hall. The Feketes were executed at the same time, father and sons, in the order of theirages; Janos, Sandor, Feri and all the younger ones too. All the male members of the Bun andGosztonyi family, and old Teca111Hagymas. She had been outspoken all her life, and kept talking back to them insolently:"Shoot in my ass", she turned her backside towards them; she was shot in the head.Terus Kelemen and an other woman was also executed then.Mihaly, my husband, managed to hide on the farm. One night he came for me: "Let us flee toNovi Sad". We hid there till spring; this was not without danger. My parents were taken to theJarek camp in January."Those few who were left alive were driven to Backi Jarek on January 23, 1945. Their homes andall other properties were confiscated; they could only take their clothes with them. Those whohad a horse or a cart were allowed to go to Jarek by cart, but once there, their horses and cartswere taken from them. There was much starving and torment in the transit camp too. Many diedof hunger, others of epidemics. An old German internee was given the job of picking up the deadevery morning with a wheelbarrow. He collected and buried about twenty or thirty dead bodieseach day.The guards were very cruel. In the middle of winter, the internees were forced to walk fromJarek to Gojdobra in the severest cold. One of the women was from Martonos originally, andwas moved to Zsablya well after the raid in 1943. Her husband was immediately executed, whileshe was interned along with her ten month old daughter. They were poorly dressed, she had towalk from Jarek to Gajdobra in the coldest weather. At one point, the baby's scarf fell off herhead. The cruel and bloodthirsty partisan who was escorting them did not let the mother pick upthe child's scarf, saying, "She does not need it, at least she'll croak sooner".According to reliable estimates, at least 2000 of the Hungarian population of Zsablya died, mostof them were executed in their village, but many died of starvation or contagious diseases incamps.DEATH OF THE PUNTERSTo the Punter Districts belong, besides the already mentioned Csurog and Zsablya,Sajkasgyorgye (Gyurgyevo). Sajkaslak (Lok), Dunagardony (Gardinovce), Sajkasszentivan(Sajkos), Tiszakalmanfalva (Budisava), Tunderes (Vilovo), Mozsor112(Mosorin), and the "capital" or "capital village", Titel. These villages have been privileged sincethe Turks reached the Danube. The Punter Organization was born around the time when theTurks came to our frontiers. After they had been driven away. the Punter Soldiers relocated theirquarters for the defence of the frontier Pozsony and Komarom to the Punter District of Titel,functioning up to the end of the 18th century. After the expulsion of the Turks, there was a

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