PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR


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You know, there was the forest stretching four kilometers long in front of us. My friendAndras told me:"Don't worry, this one in front of me can shoot only one."For there was a partisan marching in front of Andras. After we left the woods, werealized that it was they that were afraid of us."Shoulder arms and step back to the group!Well, we got to Zombor. They counted us: six were missing. Of course, Miska Pazmany,Joca Hordosi and those who had a farm near Kozora sneaked away in the dark for it waspouring rain, thunder and lightning. They suddenly lay down and when the group left, awayto the farms!Then we were taken into the military barracks next to the railway. More than fivehundred of us from Bezdan, packed into three rooms. They gave us nothing to eat for fourdays. A partisan woman came in each day and beat us with her rifle butt. They wantedsomebody to strike back and then they'd'have had a reason to execute us all.In the first days of December, they began to let us go home. Fifty people left onDecember 6. Our turn came the next day. Toncsi Tomasics, Gyuszi Horvath and Torowere not set free: they held them there as hostages.33November 4, right after dawn, I got up and went out to the yard. I drew a bucketful ofwater from the well and, half naked, I washed myself. It was prickly cold outside, but I didn'tfeel it at all and the cold water drove sleep out of my eyes.I was just towelling myself, when I heard sobbing coming from the yard. I quickly puton my shirt and ran to the entrance door to ask what happened? Someone said that Pista Libishad been shot dead."By who and where?""By the partisans at Isterbac where he was led yesterday after 1 o'clock."Pista Libis was coming to the soccer field yesterday with his wife when two partisansstopped him and carried him away.It seems that the worst I feared has come true. The partisans massacred the men atIsterbac. They drove them there to execute them, not to work. It is too horrible to think about:one hundred and twenty-one innocent people were murdered!"The recollections of F. R.:"My nephew, Lajos Kiss, was also visited by two partisans."Get dressed: you come with us to work!"His two children ran out of the house and hugged both legs of Lajos. One of thepartisans asked him in Hungarian:"Are these your children?""Yes, mine.""God damn it!", he said. "Go inside, you can stay here!"An hour later two other partisans came, and these two took him away. Poor guy, he didn'tthink about hiding somewhere. So he was taken away and he was the third to be shot.

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