PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR


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his own grave, then machine gunned into a common grave with their hands wired together.Itwas lucky for the unknown murderers, since the people would have torn them to pieces.Nationality of murderers: Unknown sadists lacking any trace of humanity called: partisans."The brother got the information from the female teacher trainee who was bound to Jozsef byaffections of premarital tenderness.90We are not authorized to mention the name of the girl, a woman over sixty and most probablymarried.Temerin is a Roman Catholic village. Religion holds importance and special significance isattributed to the sacraments from Baptism to Extreme Unction, the sacrament of the dead.Father Koppany and his two curates left Temerin in the fall of 1944, but the parish was not leftwithout a priest after all. The Rev. Jozsef Toth was deposited in Temerin by the last train that leftfrom Novi Sad, and he provided the spiritual needs of the parishioners. He was not harmed andwas allowed to hear the confession of the people taken to the convent and intended forexecution. He was not given the opportunity to administer Extreme Unction, as it would havebeen his intention. The number of the mass graves and corpse lying in Temerin has not beenascertained. No accurate data is known about the number of those who were driven away anddied. After several months, a man walked down a street in Temerin children, who had not seenan adult man for a long time, pointed at him saying,"Look! A man!".According to the church registry, a source we believe to be reliable, the total loss of Temerinwas 480 people in the fall of 1944.HORGOS91The reentry of Hungarian troops was not approved by the Dobrovoljacs, therefore twenty-two ofthem died April 1941 in the ensuing battle for the town..On October 10, 1944 the partisans arrived, and sacked the church, the convent and theparsonage in the first few days. The parish priest, Istvan Viragh, was not arrested then. Some ofthe Serbian settlers from Montenegro, who had just returned, remembered that the eighty-oneyear old parson celebrated Mass in the camp of the Hungarian troops stationed in Horgos. In hissermon, he gave great thanks to the Lord, "God of the Hungarians", for the end of the rule of thebarbarians. The 84 year old priest had to be arrested, but there was much debate about what to dowith him beyond the usual tortures of captivity. About sixty people, including women, werecollected to be victims of the vengeance. Istvan Viragh was still able to celebrate Mass onNovember 10th.

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