PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR

PLEASE NOTE: This book contains graphic description ... - HUNSOR


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"We set off from Hadikliget on October 8, 1944, Our deceitful, half-Serbian leader tookus to Szabadka instead of Zombor. At the cemetery of Szabadka we were stopped by thepartisans. They told us to take the cows, cart, horses to the Palics barracks. We had to leave allour valuable possessions and were taken into custody. A few days later, they rounded up somefive hundred of us in a pub. The pubkeeper was beaten up, thrown out and the partisans drankeverything while they kept themselves busy with the Szekelys. From there, they took the womenand children to the mill, where they had to sit on the cold concrete, and the males were taken tothe prison of Szabadka.They kept on asking me what I was doing for a living. I said I was a hired man. I was showingthem my hands, but they were by no means nice to me. I really did not have land at the time,thank God. I was given the classification number 2, while forty-three received the number 1.What it actually meant we did not know until the others were hoarded on a truck. All of themwere executed, as far as we know, and were buried in the knacker's yard of Szabadka. Theprevious day we had seen a large pit there. In thirty minutes the truck came back empty. It wasthe partisans who had taken them, there were no Russians. They had put a machine gun on thistruck. They lined us up and were shooting away above our heads. There were some who wettheir pants in fear.While the women were cooking, the children stood by very hungry. A partisan came up anddefecated into the pot. A big-132bellied man, Fazekas, was made to stand up, and was tossed about until he collapsed. Theyaccused him of having grown fat on the Serbians' blood.Once I was questioned by a partisan woman. She was laying on her back asking questions. Sheasked me if I was related to Tito since my name is Titusz. I did not protest as she laughed. Theygave me a paper saying I was free to go where I wanted to in Szabadka, since I had the numbertwo and my name is Titusz. Not much later, we were put on a train to Baja. The list of Szekelysfrom Hadikliget who were murdered at Szabadka is as follows:1.Fabian Antal2.Lajos Antal3.Ferenc Barabas4.Gaspar Bece5.Istvan Biro6.Ambrus Cseke7.Marton Csiki8.Antal Eris9.Geza Eros10.Janos Eros11.Boldizsar Fazekas12.Lajos Fazekas13.Piusz Fazekas14.Jozsef Ferenc15.Marton Forrai16.Marton Forrai Sn.23.Lajos Jakab24.Istvan Kiss25.Piusz Kokeny26.Istvan Lovas27.Rudolf Lovas28.Orban Lovasz29.Pal Matyas30.Piusz Matyas31.Janos Miklos32.Vilmos Miklos33.Antal Nagy34.Lorinc Nagy35.Vilmos Solymosi36.Istvan Szabo37.Jozsef Szabo

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