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Recommended readingeRudolf Kiszliong: "The Croaten: Der Schicksalsweg eines Suedslawenvolkes", Graz-Koeln,1956John Pecola and Stanko Guldescu; "Operation Slaughterhouse: Eyewitness Accounts ofPostwar Massacres in Yugoslavia". Philladelphia, 1970Andre Ott; "Dangers Serbes sur la Croatie", Paris, 1982Nicolai Tolstoy; "The Minister and the Massacres", London, 1986Joseph Hecimovic; "In Titoas Death Marches", New York, 1992Wendelin Gruber: "In den Faengen des Roten Drachen" Miriam Verlag, Munich.166TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle:PageAuthors Preface 9Historical Antecedents 12Cold Days. A Novel and a Film 18Vendetta. Retaliation Multiplied 19People of Bezdan 22Ujvidek, Renamed Novi Sad 50Szentamas - Foldvar 59Adorjane Nadirjan, The Unfortunate 67Kanizsa 74Obecse and Veronicaas Veil 76Early Partisans With Lili-White Hands 78From Szentfulop To The Gakova Camp 82Temerin 86Horgos, Martonos, Zenta 91Ada - The Bridge Of Life. Mohol - Death For Land 99Peterreve. Csurog: Till The Last Hungarian 103Zsablya 109Death Of The Punters. 111Mozsor, Zombor, Verbasz, Pacser, Bajmok 116

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