AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong> – November <strong>2007</strong>Index to Evidence for the Criteria for AccreditationCriterion One – Mission and IntegrityThe organization operates with integrity to ensure the fulfillment of its mission through structures andprocesses that involve the board, administration, faculty staff and students.Core Component 1a. The organization’s mission documents are clear and articulate publicly theorganization’s commitments.• The SJC mission, vision and values statements are periodically reviewed and included in all majorinstitutional publications and on the college’s website, as adopted by the Board of Trustees. [O1, 2P2]• The SJC mission and vision are clearly embedded in the learning goals and other distinctive objectives.[1C2, 2C1]• The mission and vision statements articulate the commitment to the community the college serves, themodel it envisions to become, and the distinctive objectives it embraces.[O1, 2C1, 5P1, 9C7]• The values statement provides the ethical foundation for commitment and a high standard of ethics foracademic integrity. [O1, 3P6, 4P3, 9C2]• The college strategic plan outlines clear values and goals in alignment with its mission and vision. [8C2,9C2]Core Component 1b. In its mission documents, the organization recognizes the diversity of itslearners, other constituencies, and the greater society it serves.• SJC’s mission statement presents a commitment to remove access barriers and a vision for the future inrecognition of the diversity of its learners and in concert with the community it serves. [O1, O2, O4, 8C1]• The college adjusts the variety of programs, delivery systems and course offerings to address learning stylediversity and preparation for success in a diverse world. [1C4, 8C1, 8C2]• SJC shares its mission and vision in a variety of communication methods to address the diversity ofcommunication styles of its constituencies and aligns professional staff charter of accountability to thatmission and vision. [O4,O7, 5P6, 8C1]Core Component 1c. Understanding of and support for the mission pervade the organization.• The hiring practices of the college include attention to the diversity of its constituents and orientation to theinstitution’s mission and practices. [O5, O7, 4P2]• Under the foundation of its mission, the college supports a long standing tradition of community involvementand all levels of organization. [5C3, 5P1, 5P6]• Institutional mission and vision are communicated from leaders to the SJC community and back throughvarious identified processes. [2P2, 5P6, 5P7, 5R1]• Distinct institutional goals, aligned with the college mission and vision, are reinforced through alignmentduring various key processes such as strategic planning, performance review, and budget processes.[5P6, 8C2]Core Component 1d. The organization’s governance and administrative structure promoteeffective leadership and support collaborative processes that enable the organization to fulfill itsmission.• Processes for aligning effective leadership and collaborative processes exist including special Task Forces,Annual Planning, budget, and advisory boards in addition to traditional organizational structures. [O6, O7,3R4, 5P3, Cat 8]• Targets for improvement are set through input from collaborative processes and prioritization aligned togoals. [2P1, 3I1, 5P1, 5P3, 9C2, 9P2]• Performance scorecards are available to entities the college serves on the college website and performancereports are included in every Board of Trustee meeting. [7C1, 7C2]Core Component 1e. The organization upholds and protects its integrity.Index to Evidence for the Criteria for Accreditation 87

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