AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>Leadership Group Role Composition Frequency CommunicationPresidentVice PresidentsExecutive leadership,forms policies andactionsPresidentVice PresidentsPresident’s Cabinet Information sharing President, VicePresidents, Deans, SeniorDirectorsVice President unitmeetingsLearningLeadership TeamPresident’sAdvisoryCommitteesGrants PlanningCommitteeInformation sharingassignments, issuesidentificationLearning strategicplanning; monitorLearning annual workplans; develop, modify,and implementprocesses;collaboratively addresslearning challenges;conductingenvironmental scansand proposing newacademic programsbased on communityneeds; Developstrategies to improvestudent retention andincrease enrollment.Listening and learningApprove grantprospectus, ensuregrant applications meetStrategic directivesCurriculumReview of new andCommitteecurrent programs andcourses, recommendsnew program approvaland changes to currentTable 5.3 SJC Leadership SystemWeeklySemi-monthlyOral and writtencommunication to staff asneeded.Meeting minutes posted tointernet; oral and writtencommunication to facultyand staff as neededDirect reports Varies by unit Oral and writtencommunicationVice President forLearning, Associate VP forLearning, DeansRepresentatives fromsupport staff, professionalstaff and facultyVice Presidents ExecutiveDirector, SJC FoundationTwo-thirds faculty, onethirdstaff andadministrationTwice Monthly(4 hours each)Twice persemesterMonthlyTwice monthly infall, once monthlyin spring, specialsessions if neededMeeting minutes posted onLLT SharePoint Calendar;Oral and writtencommunication to facultyand staff as needed.Meeting minutes posted onSJC intranetMeeting minutesAgendas, meeting minutes,submitted proposals, soonto be posted on SJCintranet5C3 SJC’s statement of values presented in theInstitutional Profile under girds its Mission and VisionStatement. Integral to those foundational principles isa long-standing tradition of community involvement.The spirit of the community is ingrained in the<strong>College</strong>’s culture. Examples include the annualluminarias display, sponsoring the annual FourCorners Professional Development conference, theperforming arts Silhouettes Series, and communityorchestra. The <strong>College</strong> allocates 4.5% of its operatingbudget to the School of Continuing Education &Community Development alone, the unit principallyresponsible for outreach to and partnerships withexternal groups. Many other units are involved inoutreach and partnerships with community groups.Processes (P)5P1 SJC’s Strategic Plan (see Category 8) is theprimary tool for setting institutional direction. The<strong>AQIP</strong> process is also a major influence as it reinforcesat functional levels the major thrusts of the StrategicPlan. Institutional direction is further reinforcedthrough specialized accreditation of selectedacademic programs (identified in Category 1) as wellas the curriculum approval processes and specializedaccreditation for selected programs. The CTXprovides a venue for engaging faculty and staff inSJC’s commitment to Learning <strong>College</strong> principles ona regular basis. Employee recognition awards,including the President’s Mission Award, AllisonFaculty Excellence Award, <strong>San</strong>doval Support StaffAward, Physical Plant Excellence Award andDistinguished Teaching Chairs also represent meansfor reinforcing the <strong>College</strong>’s directions (See Table4.4). Feedback provided through the President’sAdvisory Committees is a valuable source of inputthat influences institutional direction, especially withregard to how well various processes and proceduresalign with the directions set forth in the Strategic Plan.SJC assesses student and stakeholder needs andexpectations in numerous ways, including advisory<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Five: Leading and Communicating 48

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