AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>Table 7.1 SJC Performance MeasuresThe complete listing of key performance indicators canbe found by going to the <strong>College</strong>'s web site, clickingABOUT SJC and then clicking on Reports &Documents.Processes (P)7P1 At the institutional level, SJC’s vision, mission andthe Strategic Plan guide the selection, managementand use of data to support continuous improvement inthe work of the <strong>College</strong> as follows:• Selecting, Managing and Using Information andData to Support Student Learning (Category One)involves the following:o Headcount, student credit hour, andpersistence• Access to entrance and scheduling, preand co-requisites for courses, studentswith disabilities.• Meeting student needs such as theStudent Success Center, financial aidcounseling, core advisors, andtechnology• Financial aid funding, such asscholarships and SJC Foundation.o Tracking success rates for remedialmathematics, English, and reading classes,both collectively by course and by cohortsmoving to the next higher level course.o Tracking success rates for first college levelmathematics and English classes, defined ascourses requiring placement by Accuplacerscores or those having all their remedialprerequisites.o Datatel Colleague ERP permits students,faculty and Student Services to view courseplacement scores and student transcripts toassist in the program advisement for students.• Selecting, Managing and Using Information andData to Support Overall Institutional Objectives(Category Two).o Data from sources such as CCBenefitsStrategic Planner assist the college indeveloping and reviewing programs specificto the economic development of our servicearea and state.o Information is used in the annual strategic,operational and budgeting planning processes.• Selecting, Managing and Using Information andData to Support Strategies (Category 8),o Headcount, student credit hour, and persistence• Access to entrance and scheduling,pre and co-requisites for courses,students with disabilities.• Meeting student needs such as theStudent Success Center, financial aidcounseling, core advisors, andtechnology• Financial aid funding, such asscholarships and SJC Foundation.o Tracking success rates for developmentalclasses, both collectively by course and bycohorts moving to the next higher levelcourse.o Tracking success rates for Gatekeepercourses, defined as courses requiringplacement by Accuplacer scores or thosehaving prerequisites.o Data from Environmental Scanning andProgram Review is selected and managedo This information is used in the annualstrategic and operational planning andbudgeting processeso Datatel Colleague ERP permits students,faculty and Student Services to select,manage, and use student information.7P2 <strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> uses various methods todetermine the needs of its departments and units,including (1) advisory groups and academic programreview processes, (2) deans, either individually orfollowing feedback from school, program or individualmeetings (3) benchmarking studies and (4) accrediting<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Seven: Measuring Effectiveness 63

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