AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>Since 2005, 19 faculty and staff have received minigrantsthrough the CTX to support coursedevelopment, conference attendance, purchasecourse-related materials, participate in SJCinternational programs, and research. The followingillustrates the range of proposals: Child and FamilyDevelopment Center staff attended an early childhoodconference in Italy, home of the Reggio theory ofearly childhood development; an art instructorpurchased materials to support development of acourse on southwestern art; the director of theCultural Resources Management Program was ableto radiocarbon date an artifact from a nearbyarchaeological site and an English instructorconducted interviews with English 095 students todetermine if students with low academic skills foundmethods of instruction more effective than others.4R3 Professional staff job descriptions and workassignments are linked to departmental function andthe annual strategic planning process throughindividual charters of accountability and(PerformanceEvaluation Review. Student Services is piloting aprogram to link support staff job descriptions to thestrategic planning process. Charters of Accountabilitynote personal responsibility regarding institutionalgoals and commit staff to goal accomplishment.Faculty, staff, and administrators receive recognitionfrom regional and national associations includingNISOD, CRD (Council for Resource Development),the League of Innovation, and NCMPR (NationalCouncil for Marketing and Public Relations). Finally,the SJC Foundation annually recognizes facultyexcellence through the Annibelle Friddle, and LouAllison awards. Support staff is recognized with theFran <strong>San</strong>doval award and Physical Plant Excellenceaward. In addition, the Foundation awards fourDistinguished Teaching Chairs to faculty whoimplement Learning <strong>College</strong> principles and activelyengage in innovative classroom activities (see 4P7).PACE survey results also provide measures ofproductivity and effectiveness perceptions. Table 4.6shows responses by employee type.4R4 Salary levels for faculty are compared annuallywith other State and regional community colleges andlocal and regional employers to ensure SJC’s salariesremain competitive. Comparable data from peerinstitutions were gathered and analyzed during the2006-07 academic year for faculty, professional andsupport staff.Feedback from the CCSSE survey (see 3R1-2)indicates a high level of productivity andeffectiveness, in terms of faculty and staff, working toachieve goals. SJC outperformed peer institutions inthe following categories: classroom activities andengagement; opinions about SJC; quality ofrelationships; educational and personal growth;student services; and overall <strong>College</strong> experiences.Human Resources conducts informal surveys of othercolleges for position design and compensation, andformal benchmarking for compensation. Thoroughbenchmarking was done by a cross-functionalfaculty/administrative committee to determine facultyworkload policies in Mountain States colleges in 2005.The data was gathered and analyzed and formulatedinto college policies and procedures. The facultyworkload policies and procedures were approved inJuly <strong>2007</strong> and distributed in a revised FacultyHandbook in October <strong>2007</strong>. The faculty’s satisfactionand effectiveness of the new policies will bemeasured over the next two to three years.Productivity and Effectiveness Perceptions Support Faculty Professional2. The extent to which my supervisor expresses confidence in my work 3.90 3.83 3.799. The extent to which my supervisor is open to the ideas, opinions and beliefs of 3.59 3.46 3.71everyone20. The extent to which I receive appropriate feedback for my work 3.29 3.38 3.3134. The extent to which my supervisor helps me to improve my work 3.33 3.33 3.5439. The extent to which I am given the opportunity to be creative in my work 3.74 4.02 4.003. The extent to which there is a spirit of cooperation within my work team 3.50 3.88 3.8633. The extent to which my work team provides an environment for free and open 3.29 3.95 3.91expression43. The extent to which a spirit of cooperation exists in my department 3.39 3.98 3.9045. The extent to which I have the opportunity to express my ideas in appropriate forums 3.29 2.98 3.3346. The extent to which professional development and training opportunities are 3.60 3.59 3.58available.Table 4.6. SJC Mean Scores by Work Group<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Four: Valuing People 45

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