AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>scorecard (see Category 7). Reports are provided tothe Board of Trustees on a regular basis.Results (R)8R1 The results include the current Strategic Plan2006-2010 (see Figure 8-#, which includes 18strategic initiatives within four categories). Each VicePresident (Learning, Student Services, BusinessServices, Institutional Research and Planning, andTechnology Services) has developed additionalinitiatives that are pertinent to their areas and arecorrelated with the Strategic Plan initiatives. Eachdepartment and School has developed an operationalplan and objectives that correlate with their divisionInitiatives In many of the areas this has been “drivendown” to Individual Work Plans.Valuing educational access and student successThe above scorecard has the State of New Mexicocommunity college performance measures whichinclude measures for access and success. The tableincludes <strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> measures and targets. Ifthe measure score is green or blue then the collegehas met or exceeded the target.Valuing partnershipsIn 2005, several community forums were conducted invarious areas of the service area. The participants inthe forums mentioned a great number of opportunitieswith each community providing a unique perspective.The following are results from those forums.• More specialized programs working with localbusiness & industry were developed in areas ofpipeline operators, safety and management for oil& gas, skilled laborers, senior citizen seminars,agriculture and related vocations.• More opportunities for high school students toget an early start in college through thepartnership for the Technical Education Center(TEC). New programs available in: CNAFirefighter, First Response Emergency Medical,and Cosmetology.Increase in Specialized ProgramsOil and Gas IndustryAutomotive Industry7 Programs2 ProgramsHealthcare Industry 7 Programs (2distance educ., 1weekend)Agriculture1 ProgramSenior Citizen – EncoreProgram1 ProgramTable 8.3 Increase in Specialized Programs8R2 The following table has the State of New Mexicocommunity college performance measures whichinclude measures for access and success. The tableincludes SJC current measures and targetsestablished for the next two years.FY 07 FY 08 FY 09Performance Measures Actual Target TargetPercent successful after 3 years 68.1% 71.0% 70.0%Percent complete within 150% of time 14.6% 15.7% 15.7%Percent placed in jobs in New Mexico 61.0% 62.0% 62.0%Percent of Native Americans enrolled 32.4% 27.0% 28.0%Percent of Native American graduates 21.9% 26.0% 24.0%Number enrolled in commmunity service 2,812 2,720 2,900Number enrolled in service learning pgm. 433 385 420Percent of programs with stable or 61.5% 85.0% 63.0%increasing enrollmentPercent persisting to following spring 74.0% 78.0% 74.2%Percent placed in jobs or continuing 64.9% 70.0% 67.0%education in New MexicoTable 8.4 Performance Measures and TargetsThe Enrollment Management Taskforce has beencharged with developing and implementing strategiesto increase enrollment by at least 3.5 percent annuallyin student credit hours.8R3 Although, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> has begun utilizingpeers, best practices and national groups forbenchmarking, the institution has yet to benchmarkprojections. Performance results are presentedthroughout the portfolio.8R4 The Quick Quality Checks assessment is aprincipal means of informing departments of theirprogress towards continuous improvement. QuickQuality Checks are reviewed annually. Below is acopy of the Business and Finance summary of theQuick Quality Check. The new Communication andInput Design Action Project (Fall <strong>2007</strong>) was selectedas a priority project because of the results of thePACE survey (see Category 5). A goal of the projectis to establish a climate more receptive to andcapable of sustaining process improvement.Improvements (I)8I1 Using <strong>AQIP</strong> categories as deployed through theQuality Quick Checks provides a framework forcontinuous improvement as do the variousbenchmarking mechanisms the <strong>College</strong> has begunemploying. These data sources increasingly pointout issues that need further examination andsubsequent targeting for improvement, particularprocesses deployed throughout the college. Inanticipation of moving towards the <strong>AQIP</strong> Systemefolio, Student Services is piloting an ebinder, toelectronically link Quality Quick Checks supportingdocuments on a shared drive. Further deployment ofthe planning model in Figure 8.1 must continue<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Eight: Planning Continuous Improvement 73

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