AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>Taskforce Charter Liaison Strategic DirectiveEnrollmentDevelop and implement strategies toincrease enrollment by at least 3.5percent annually in student credit hoursbased on the findings of the STAMATSStudent Recruitment Audit andbenchmarking the best practices ofother colleges.Vice President for StudentServicesValue Educational Accessand Student SuccessCommunication and InputDesign TeamOn-Line LearningAssessmentDevelopmental EducationTable 5.5 Strategic Plan TaskforcesBenchmark collaborative institutionalsystems and structures that willenhance communication as well asserve as bases for sustainingcontinuous improvement at a functionallevel.Develop strategic directives andguidelines for developing courses,programs and student support services.Further the Common Student LearningOutcomes (CSLOs) to assess studentlearning outcomes and to use theknowledge gained through theAssessment Academy initiative toimprove pedagogy and curricula.Research best practices of othercolleges and recommending strategiesto improve success in developmentalcourses.Vice President for InstitutionalResearchand PlanningVice President for BusinessServicesVice President for LearningVice President for InstitutionalResearchand PlanningVice President for LearningValuing PeopleValue Educational Accessand Student SuccessValue Educational Accessand Student SuccessValue Educational Accessand Student SuccessWeekly News ClipsCommunicatorConvocation ceremonies President’s State of the <strong>College</strong> addressDOWNWARDCOMMUNICATIONXXXUPWARDCOMMUNICATIONStaff Notes newsletterXPresident’s Advisory Committees X X XLegislative ReceptionXSJC Portal Intranet) X XFaculty meetings X XTech Update (Office of Technology Services newsletter)XStudent forumsXCommunity forumsXBoard retreat X XAdvisory Councils X XSchool meetings X X XQuality Councils X XCTXfiles newsletterX“Tell it to the President” email link X X“Tell it to the Vice Presidents” email links X XPosted agendas and minutesTable 5.6 SJC Communication <strong>Systems</strong>X2-WAYCOMMUNICATION5P6 As pointed out in 5C1, 5P2, and 5P5 above, <strong>San</strong><strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> has a network of taskforces,committees,councils, and advisory groups withinterlocking memberships that are used tocommunicate shared themes and emphases intendedthrough information sharing, discussion, and study topromote alignment with the mission and strategicdirection of the institution. The Charter ofAccountability, an annual work plan for professionalstaff, is another instrument used to communicate ex-pectations regarding institutional directions andopportunities. The processes and instruments thatcomprise the communication system further enhancereinforcement of mission and strategic direction.The President and Vice Presidents meet on a weeklybasis to confer on matters pertaining to operationalissues, policies, and feedback from various actors andinfluencers in the decision-making process. ThePresident’s Cabinet consists of executive and midmanagementadministrators who meet bi-monthly to<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Five: Leading and Communicating 50

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