AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong>- November <strong>2007</strong>Productivity and Effectiveness Perceptions SJC Mean Norm Base2. The extent to which my supervisor expresses confidence in my work 3.83 4.069. The extent to which my supervisor is open to the ideas, opinions and beliefs of everyone 3.60 3.8520. The extent to which I receive appropriate feedback for my work 3.32 3.4934. The extent to which my supervisor helps me to improve my work 3.43 3.5639. The extent to which I am given the opportunity to be creative in my work 3.93 3.973. The extent to which there is a spirit of cooperation within my work team 3.77 3.8033. The extent to which my work team provides an environment for free and open expression 3.75 3.7443. The extent to which a spirit of cooperation exists in my department 3.79 3.7145. The extent to which I have the opportunity to express my ideas in appropriate forums 3.22 3.5446. The extent to which professional development and training opportunities are available. 3.59 3.60Table 4.7 SJC Mean Scores from PACE Survey4I1 Human Resources, working in collaboration withadministrative workgroups, is updating andredesigning performance evaluations. A newevaluation process will help to better assess trainingneeds, improve staff performance, and align individualobjectives with SJC strategic goals. HumanResources is developing a pilot system to determinebasic skill sets by job category required per job andminimum skills in support staff positions.Processes for professional development targetedimprovement are identified through the professionaldevelopment surveys, workshop evaluations, andadvisory committees with input from members of thePresident’s Cabinet. Analysis of surveys and multipleinputs in the annual operating process forOrganizational Development identified professionaldevelopment process needs: alignment ofprofessional learning with institutional strategicdirection and student learning outcomes assessment.4I2 In light of the findings from the PACE institutionalclimate survey, SJC leadership has identifiedimproving internal communication and input as astrategic priority. A cross-functional Communicationsand Input Design Team has been charged withrecommending institutional processes that willenhance channels for communication and input inorder to provide as a basis for sustaining continuousimprovement at <strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Additionalinformation regarding the charge of this taskforce ispresented in 5I2.Processes to be implemented during the <strong>2007</strong>-08academic year in support of professional learning arean online employee transcript system for trackingemployee professional learning opportunities. Thistranscript will be provided in addition to the credit andnon-credit transcripts, so the employee can use themas part of the annual performance review and infulfillment of a professional learning plan. AnEmployee Development Gateway for better marketingand communication of calendar and events, access toopportunities and ease of request/registration is in itsinitial stages. Improvement is planned using feedbackgathered during the first three months of operation.<strong>AQIP</strong> Category Four: Valuing People 46

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