AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College

AQIP 2007 Systems Portfolio - San Juan College


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<strong>San</strong> <strong>Juan</strong> <strong>College</strong> – <strong>AQIP</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Portfolio</strong> – November <strong>2007</strong>Criterion Four – Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of KnowledgeThe organization promotes a life of learning for its faculty, administration, staff and students byfostering and supporting inquiry, creativity, practice, and social responsibility in ways consistent withits mission.Core Component 4a. The organization demonstrates, through the actions of its board,administrators, students, faculty and staff, that it values a life of learning.• SJC has created a culture of inquiry and creativity for students and employees through its practices andobjectives [O1, 1C1, 1P6, 2C1]• Faculty, staff and students create knowledge and produce scholarship in learning objectives and application,acknowledgement of achievement, and the capacity to exercise intellectual inquiry. [O1, 1C5, 4C2, 4P4, ]• An integrated planning, budgeting, and improvement system with learning college principles at the coredemonstrates the value of a life of learning at SJC. [O1, 4P4, 4P5, 4P7, 8P4]Core Component 4b. The organization demonstrates acquisition of a breadth of knowledge andskills and the exercise of intellectual inquiry are integral to its educational programs.• Expectations for student preparedness and general education are communicated clearly and reviewed todevelop attitudes and skills requisite for workforce success and life-long learning. [1C1, 1P1, 1P3, 1P8,1P11, 1I1, 2C3]• The college reviews the relationship between its mission and general education curriculum, curricular andexperiential offerings attend to the currency and relevancy of offerings to promote breadth and depth oflearning achievement. [1C1, 1P2, 1P10, 1I1]• Learning support services provide for student development to reduce gaps and enhance learning. [1P9, 1I2]• Development practices supportive of faculty and staff intellectual inquiries are integral to relevancy of thecurriculum and utility of knowledge and skills gained by students.[4C4, 4P4, 4P7]Core Component 4c. The organization assesses the usefulness of its criteria to students who willlive and work in a global, diverse, and technological society.• The college’s common student learning outcomes, specific program outcomes, and other distinctiveobjectives prepare students with skills and professional competence essential to a diverse workforce. [1C1,1P2, 1P3, 1P11, 1R2]• Individual departments report assessment results to the Assessment Committee and results of programspecific assessments are used to produce program changes.[1C1, 1P6, 1P8, 1P11]• Curriculum is monitored for its effectiveness and currency, involving internal and external stakeholders, toindicate effectiveness in job placement rates and workforce surveys.[1P2, 1P8, 1P 11, 1P12, 1R2]• The college provides curricular and co-curricular opportunities that promote social responsibility [1C2, 1P10,2C1, 2C3, 2P5]Core Component 4d. The organization provides support to ensure faculty, students and staff,acquire, discover, and apply knowledge responsibly.• The college provides academic and student support programs that contribute to the development offundamental skills and attitudes for responsible use of knowledge. [1C5, 1P8, 2C1, 4C2, 4C4]• Administrative and academic support is structured to reinforce student learning.[O6, 4P3, 4P5,5P2]• The college follows explicit policies and procedures to ensure ethical conduct in its instructional andresearch practices. [1C2, 1C5, 4P3, 4P4, 5C2]• Convocation and professional development, optimum facilities and resources, and effective oversight andpractices enforce student and employee responsibility for knowledge management. [1C5, 2R3, 4C4, 4P4,4P5]Index to Evidence for the Criteria for Accreditation 90

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