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Izbira tehnološkega procesa in opreme za pridobivanje naravnega kamna ...437chamber-and-pillar method is used. Init of great importance that at the firstlevel the distribution of cuts is preciselydetermined, as it influences the finalyield of material.Selection of the excavation method orthe proper cutting system depends on thetype of the material, compactness, quantityand price of the material. In mostcases, faster and better work requirescombination of various cutting machinesto obtain satisfactory excavation results.Cutting equipment in quarries shouldbe complemented by high performanceloaders, as larger and more powerfulmachines make the excavation processeasier and more economic. In excavationoperations, the use of variousbumper cylinders, water and air cushionsis also required.Cutting performance comparisonThe reasons for underground excavationof natural stone are the following:• geological properties of the site,• selective excavation of naturalstone,• less environmental damage andless environmental noise,• work is possible in any weatherconditions,• possibilities for the use of such undergroundlocations after finishedexcavation works.Because of the transfer to undergroundexploitation, a research is done on theimpact of the underground exploitationmethod that is applied in LipicaII to the surface [8] . The results of theresearch have shown that the methodof underground exploitation applied toLipica II does not have an impact onthe surface. As there is no movement inany direction, there is no deformationand the surface has stayed the same (asif no work is being done below). It hasbeen expected that there will not beany impact to the surface, on the base[9], but because of the specificity of LipicaII, adapted research of [8] researchhad to be done.Demand for natural stone blocks, increasedproduction in the quarries, costreduction in the process of excavationof natural stone and safer work operationsare the main requirements regardingthe excavation which have contributedto the development of a newermodel of chain saw cutting machines.Relocation of production from the surfaceto the underground required thedevelopment of technology suitablefor underground excavation. Initially,chain saw cutting machines with fixatingpillars were used (Figure 3 - left).The Fantini G. 70 machine consistsof two segments: the cutting segmentand the hydraulic control segment. Themachine is transported to and fromthe cutting site by means of a loader.<strong>RMZ</strong>-M&G 2012, 59

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