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V4BEK Q σBEad = ,commQрσV 01 + σ 2 + σ3σ U ⋅ С ρV1 + σ 2 + σ 8 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟3 ⎢ р0qHуσ =⎣⎝V1⎠ ⎝ V1H⎠Е⎦уCtgα+ CbW1 W0402 Q55 D =KЕVShemetov, P. A., Bibik, I. P.f=qK,⎡ − 4/3 ≥ F 4⎤4К3∆3 ⎛ V0⎞ ⎛ V0⎞BEa∆aQ0.1σfKK =σ∆=V1 + σ 2 + σ⎢com3⎜⎟1.13Hq ∆and β = arctg is achieved by drilling ,deg reeadditional; and incomplete charging to {[ the same ( 3 ⎜⎟р= − ⋅ КVe1V0− ⎥[{ 1+( 1−08812,5 ⋅Сσ 8/3∆r3 {[ 1+( ⎢1− 2μ)= ⋅ ε−] ⋅−⋅ 1+1К 1⋅}∆р rσ р = − ⋅ К ⋅Е⎣⎝V1⎠ ⎝ V1⎠ ⎥)⎦р 8 2μ ⋅εo]Qblastholes to dmain e holes γ55Uinside bastard length up to8 =[1obastard ceiling [ ( eliminates) ] 4) ] + 4/3V =4∆KK 1+1−2μ⋅ εaBEcontour K with placing BE Q2μ ⋅εo⋅(1Qf= ,3 ⎡⎛V0⎛Q48/3V∆a 0.1 charges in orientation of explosion action towardsd= σσ1 + σ 2, m3+3 {[ 1+( 1U−⎢⋅ С)] ρ }0com2μ⋅рd= them , ∆ε −1inside mrbastards. Selection qH of BE hosting rock Uσ р ⋅having С=lesser resistibilityfor chargingπ ⋅2dadditionalγуЕ− ρ⋅К ⋅σ =⎢⎟ ⎞ Vσ⎜⎜р= − ⋅ К −8рqHуc blastholes is to blasting. σ = 8 (⎣⎝V1⎠[0.2282e− 21380⋅Q⋅[ 1+( 1−q) ])4 ⎝ V1+1−2μ⋅ ε∆ QV2μ ⋅εo]made byavalue q of detonation velocityНR =qK == KBE8/3∆determined by the , m0.856 0.2863∆ Q , m2 ⋅ ctgαfollowing 1.13Hcorrelation:1.13HqHуqβ = arctg ,degruntau ree;р = − ⋅ К1 + σq Experimental blasting CU3ρ of rock {[ 1( in 1−Mu-2μ)⋅]8 /pσС{[ 1ρ+ ( 1−2μ)⋅ ε]−1}Vrσ o−⋅р2 + σ3012,5⋅С8/3open pit by bastards using theр⋅{[+arctg ,deg ree;deγ 12,5 ⋅С8⋅{ [ 1+U( Ер q 1[ −1o= + 2μ( 1)−⋅ε2μ]) ⋅ ε] −4o⋅deγdeveloped Uo=Q ∆technology of blasthole BE 4 [ 1+ ( 1aabastbastσair-cushioned Σ(Bcharge n+ [ 1P+n) with( 1−2μconcavity) ⋅εo] ⋅( µ )d= K∆,m=tσU ⋅ С1.13Hq tр6,5ρ 3 [{ 1+( 1−2μ)8Dβ д =arctg DqH02 ∆у −r2 + 1 (12) in its bottom part and method of blastingof rocks ohr,deghrreeσtσπ ⋅ ;σ =γn12,5 σ р ⋅С=−⋅{[ 1⋅+ К( ⋅р1−2μ)⋅εo]0.228π ⋅γdeγ2de t − 2cU = q 8with different bastards 1380[ ⋅1Q+ ( 1−20.2282.28 4 [2de− 2cq1380 -1,8 ⋅Q⋅[ 1+R[ 1( 1=+ −( 12μ−)2μ ⋅ε)]⋅εq Н =, m have shown L STEMeffectiveness of the 0.856 solido o] ⋅(⎛1R == wherenC 0.286{[ 1+⋅(⎜1D ∂− 1.13 aBE , mH0.856 0.286detonation qQ2 ⋅velocity ctgαfor breaking with formation {[ ( of compact ) p 3C ρ 1+1−2μ ⋅ε] } 57charging2 ⋅∑8 /8d= , mβ = arctg lαpo−1⎝оп2diadditional π ⋅γ,deg ree;12,5 ⋅СU⋅{[ 1⋅+С( 1р−ρqHр2μ)⋅εo]c blastholesу(m/s); and uniform by fractional composition2d0.228i=1 e e − 2γU = σ =o 1380⋅Q⋅[ + ( 1−⋅εo]lD д 0= – BE detonation − ( q1.5...5.velocity 0) dadhole for chargingН = main nbastbastΣ(Bn+ Pn)shotpile with R = decreasing specific [ 1+( 1q4−con-t2μ)⋅εo] ⋅(1дbast blastholes bast (m/s); , m0.856 0.2863σt– ul-σsumptiotimate Σ(Bn+ of PBE n) Cby 7–8 ρ %. {[ 1+( 1−2μ)= ⋅ε6,5]8 /σ 2 ⋅ ctgttensile strengthD αo−σpд t = 1.13 D H0 of bastard2 q −rock2 + 1= 2 2 1hrhr= 6,5σtσn0− β π = ⋅γarctg+ ,deg ree;12,5⋅С0.228 р⋅{[1+( 1−22 hrhrt(Pa); σdt – ultimate σne− 2ct tensile d strength of Determination of1380blasting⋅Qoperations⋅[ 1+( 1−2μ)⋅ε]eγUo=oqR =-1,8hosting rock (Pa). bastbastparameters -1,8 Σproviding ( B + Psafety ) Lσ mof STEM[ 1+( 1−2μН =,the nearwallsolid and engineering structuresnL n0.856n0.2863tσtSTEMC = 6,5 {[ ( ) ]8 /n D д= D 2 ⋅02ctgαpρ 1+1−2μ ⋅εo−− 2 l + 1hrопi∑lAdditional blastholes∑hrσ πопti=1are ⋅γσndrilled t to the from seismic load of blasting. It is known 0.228i2i=1 depth of: l dд= e−2( 1.5...5. c 0) d1380⋅Q⋅[1+( 1−-1,8adhole that д= − ( 1.5...5. ) bast d nqduring Lblast loosening of rock thereadhole bastΣ(STEM B + PR)=n nдn n Н = σtσt, m0.856D = are seismic waves of huge = intensity havingimpact on safety of the near-wall sol-дD∑l02 −+ 1C6,5hr 2 ⋅ ctgαhrопiσtσnpρ0.286{[ 1+( 1−2μti=1lд= − ( 1.5...5. 0) dadhole, m (13) id and engineering -1,8 structures [3] .дnL STEMnbastbastΣ(Bn+ Pn)σtσt= 6,5where ∑lопD− mark of bastard bottom Generally accepted criterion of estimationof blast seismic effect is mediumi д= D0 2 − 2 + 1hrhrby depth i=1l of ( main blasholes, σ)t between σntд= − 1.5...5. 0 dadholeд-1,8which a nrespective additional blasthole displacement velocity L(U):STEMis arranged 2 (m);nλ n − number of main100⋅exp[ − 3⋅k ⋅ D ] ,%blasholes, between i∑lопwhich a respective U = K[ 3 Q / R](14)ii=1additional lblasthole д= is −arranged;( 1.5...5. 0) dadholeд0.667 − 100 diameter exp[ 3of additional 2 nλR k D ] ,% blastholes (m). where К – µ soil conditions coefficient;i = ⋅ − ⋅ ⋅мinn– = factor 2 U − = of K[ extent 3 Q / Rof ] seismic wave attenuationcharacterized by the depend-( k + 0.05)Both+incomplete21 − µdrilling of additionalblastholes 0.667 up to bastard bottom toµλency:; µ - Poisson ratio.length of 1.5–5 diameters of blastholesU adm .≥nU=2 −хQ =Kaβ =НD дDl 0д=0.11.05 D ( s )D + aveave(s)σ adm= Uρ ⋅ С р⋅adm .≥ U хn=0.5(k + 0.05) + 21 −k =0.5σ= −µ.U adm.⋅ К⎢⎜⎟− ⎜<strong>RMZ</strong>-M&G 2012, 59⎟⎥⎥

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