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⎢⎣⎝ 11⎠⎝⎠⎥⎦QV = KBEPhysicotechnical Qsubstantiation of parameters of blasting operations σ in deep ...V1 + σ 2 + σ30Е397consumption ∆ is made by alignment of a blasthole shortens by 32 % and 27 %,aspacing K =8/3∆ between blastholes that at а = specific energy consumption 3 {[ 1+decreases ( 1−2μ)⋅ ε]−1∆rσb is determined by the formula: by 26–30 %. р = − ⋅ К ⋅In this 8 regard, abatement[ 1+( 1−2μ)⋅ ε] 4of extent of effective utilization of explosiveenergy of blasthole charge forQad = , m(10)U ⋅ Сbreaking and expansion of р ρqHzone of uncontrolledbreaking is qapparent. For theуσ =where а d– adjusted spacing between purpose of neutralizing these negativeblastholes 1.13 (m); HQ – qBE weight in blastholeβ = arctg (kg). ,deg ree;pensate the shortening 12,5 ⋅Сof рcharge ⋅{[ 1+( 1col-− 2μ)⋅εo]factors it has been proposed to com-deγUo=umn length by using a combination of4[ 1+( 1−2μ)⋅εo] ⋅Blasting operations conducted in Muruntaublasthole emulsion BE charge +ANFOdeep open pit in accordance and by inverse initiation by blastholeπ ⋅γwith the developed procedure in view detonator of non-electric0.2282dtriggeringe− 2c1380⋅Q⋅[ 1+( 1−2μ)⋅εo]of changing qphysico-mechanical propertiesof the solid with increase in the mary pre-breaking C of the solid {[ mass ( is ) ]system (NTS), R = during which the pri-Н =, m0.856 0.28632 ⋅ ctgαpρ 1+1−2μ ⋅εo−pit excavation depth have shown evenerdone by high brisant emulsion BE, andbreaking of the solid at reducing BE final phase of breaking - by low brisantcosts by 12 %. bastbastBE, i.e. by ΣANFO. ( Bn+ PIn n)σsuch case, latertσt= 6,5D д= D0 2 − 2 + 1hrhrignition of ANFO locks up explosionSubstantiationσtof DBO parametersσnt usingemulsion BE providing improve-in charge Lchamber STEM and accordinglyproducts thus extending their duration-1,8nment of effectiveness and safety of facilitating the improvement of effectiveutilization of explosion energy forblasting ∑lопoperations. i Due to the facti=1lthat д= in Muruntau − ( 1.5...5. and 0) dKalmakyr adhole open breaking and working of bench toe. Pilotworks have recorded that applica-дpits onlynin-house produced blastingexplosives are being used, all regulations,tion of combined charge structure imicalnormative documents and analytprovesits explosive force as compareddependences characterizing design to single charge structure by 15 %,values of specific BE consumption and at the same time displacement of oreDBO parameters have been amended boundary and host rock decreases asso as to take into consideration relative much as 1.5–2.0 times, rock breakingexplosive force of the applied BE in relationquality improves with simultaneousto the reference BE (Grammonit reduction of BE costs by 20 %.79/21), which analysis has shown thatat emulsion BE efficiency factors equal For the purpose of improvement ofto 1.05 (Nobelit 2030) and 1.07 (NobelanEBE and WEBE application efficiency2080) the charge column length in and reduction of cost price ofexplo-<strong>RMZ</strong>-M&G 2012, 59

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