DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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THE PLACE OF OCCULTISM IN SPIRITUAL LIFE: <strong>II</strong>I 103the same footing as other sciences, but occultism as an art standsOccultism as an artby itself. However, even the spread of purelytheoretical information about occult facts isaccompanied at times with mischief, since it is likely to arouse idlecuriosity and stimulate craving for acquiring control over unknownforces with a view to using them for selfish ends. There is nothingparticularly spiritual about occult power as such. Like any othermundane power or scientific invention, it is capable of being usedfor good ends or bad. It gives immense scope for co-operativework on the higher planes, but this necessarily implies a spiritualpreparedness to shoulder a special responsibility.The novice may seek some occult powers and, withincertain limits, even succeed in having them, but this newattainment will prove to be a curse rather than a blessing ifMisuse of occultpowerhe is not spiritually prepared for the adequatefulfillment of the new responsibility implied inthe acquisition of the new powers. Even theslightest misuse of occult power has a severe reaction and creates abinding for the soul. Sometimes it may retard the progress of theaspirant and may even lead to a considerable set-back. Apart fromthe spiritual ruin which the novice may invite upon himself throughindiscreet use of occult power, he is bound to be a source ofincalculable harm to others over whom he has succeeded inwielding a formidable advantage.In the hands of the Masters of spiritual wisdom, occultpower is not only safe but has immense capacity that can beharnessed in the service of humanity, but even they are verysparing and economical in its use. By its very nature, occultismas an art has its own natural limitations. It cannot be widelyused for helping the

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