DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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120 <strong>DISCOURSES</strong>Associative meditationand dissociativemeditationworld. There thus arise two types ofmeditation. Associative meditation predominantlyinvolves the synthetic activityof the mind (Anwaya), and dissociativemeditation predominantly involves the analytic activity of themind (Vyatireka). Associative meditation may be illustrated by theformula, "I am Infinite," and dissociative meditation may beillustrated by the formula, "I am not my desires."Through associative meditation the aspirant tries to unitewith the spiritual ideal as mentally constructed by him. Throughdissociative meditation the aspirant tries to separate himself fromRespective functionsof associative anddissociative meditationthe conditions which come to him as antispiritual.Associative meditation is aprocess of assimilation of the essentials ofspiritual life; dissociative meditation is aprocess of elimination of those factorswhich prevent the life of the spirit.Associative meditation is concerned with objects which are,so to say, selected from the land of light, and dissociativemeditation is concerned with objects which are parts of the land ofDissociative meditationpaves way forassociative meditationshadows. The world of illusions, like theworld of shadows, has a bewilderingcharm of its own. If a person is to succeedin getting out of the world of illusions andarrive at the Truth, he must develop resistance to the enticement ofthe world of illusions by repeated recognition of its real worthlessness,just as a person must develop discontent with the world ofshadows if he is to come into the light. Therefore dissociativemeditation is a preliminary to associative meditation. It comes firstand has its own value,

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