DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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The Place of Occultism inSpiritual LifePART <strong>II</strong>THE OCCULT BASIS OF SPIRITUAL LIFETHOSE who have even a preliminary acquaintance with thestructure and laws of the inner spheres of existence know thatcomplete isolation of human beings is a figment of imagina-People constantlyinteracting on innerplanestion. Whether they desire it or not, allpersons are constantly acting and interactingupon each other by their very existence,even when they do not establish any contacton the physical plane. There are no limits to the spreading of theinfluence of man. The magnetic influence of the subtle spheresknows no barriers of national frontiers or any other conventionallimitations. Good thoughts as well as evil thoughts, cheerful moodsas well as gloomy moods, noble and expansive feelings as well aspetty and narrow emotions, unselfish aspiration as well as selfishambition—all these have a tendency to spread out and influenceothers, even when they are not expressed in words or deeds. Theworld of mental life is as much a unified system as the world ofgross matter. The gross world as a vehicle of spiritual life has itsown indubitable importance, but the links and connections existing

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