DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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THE NATURE OF THE EGO AND ITS TERMINATION: <strong>II</strong>I 77They both seek separate and alternate expression through suitableobjects, as when a person dominates those whom he regards as hisinferiors and submits to those whom he looks upon as hissuperiors. But such alternative expression through contrastingbehaviour only accentuates these opposite complexes instead ofleading to their dissolution.The superiority complex is stirred when a person meets onewho is in some way remarkably inferior to him in mundanepossessions. In spite of its many possessions the ego is constantlySuperiority complexconfronted with the spectacle of its intrinsicemptiness. Therefore it clings to thecomforting delusion of its worthwhileness by demonstrating thegreatness of its possesssions. This contrast is not confined totheoretical comparison, but often exhibits itself in an actual clashwith others. Thus aggressiveness is a natural outcome of the needto compensate for the poverty of the ego-life.The inferiority complex is stirred when a person meetssome one who is in some way remarkably superior to him inrespect of mundane possessions. But his submissiveness to theInferiority complexother is rooted either in fear or selfishness. Itcan never be whole-hearted or spontaneous,because there is a lurking jealousy and even hatred for the other forpossessing something which he would rather have for himself. Allforced and outward submission is purely the effect of an inferioritycomplex, and can only enhance the ego in one of its worst forms.The ego attributes its sense of emptiness to the apparently inferiorpossessions which it can claim as "mine," rather than to theradical viciousness of seeking fulfillment through possessions.Awareness of its inferiority in possessions becomes only a furtherstimulus for making desperate efforts to

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