DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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The Ways of the MastersMASTERS are absolutely impersonal and universal in theirconsciousness, but for spiritual purposes they can limit thescope of their work and also allow their manifested person-Masters ever readyality to become the centre of the aspirationsto helpof their disciples. They use personalrelationships as well-defined channels topass on their help to those aspirants who become connected withthem. The Masters are always on the lookout for those who needand deserve their help and the faintest gleams of spiritual yearningsare not overlooked by them. They foster and promote theadvancement of all aspirants in multifarious ways which areunfailingly effective, although they might not necessarily becompletely intelligible to others.The help of the Master consists in making the spiritualjourney of the aspirant sure and safe as well as in shortening thetime which he might otherwise take for arriving at the goal. TheNature of their helpaspirant may go a long way throughindependent search, but he in unable tocross the sixth plane without the help of a Master. Even on theintermediate planes the help of the Master is extremely valuable,because he prevents the aspirant from getting stuck on the way andprotects him from the pitfalls

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