DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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Life in eternityTHE TYPES OF MEDITATION: V<strong>II</strong>I 173agent of limited actions and the receiver ofjoys and pains. In the state of knowledgehe knows himself as the soul, which is not in any way limited bythese things and which is untouched by them. Once he knows hisown true nature, he knows it for good and never again becomesinvolved in ignorance. This state of God-consciousness is infinite,and is characterised by unlimited understanding, purity, love andhappiness. To be initiated in Sahaj Samadhi is to arrive at theendlessness of life in eternity.Sahaj Samadhi has two forms: (1) Nirvana or absorption indivinity, and (2) Nirvikalpa state or divinity in expression. Whenconsciousness is withdrawn entirely from all the bodies and theTwo forms of SahajSamadhiworld of creation, it leads to Nirvana or thebeyond state, but when consciousness isagain made to function through the bodieswithout attachment or identification, it leads to Sahaj Samadhi ofthe Nirvikalpa state or the Sadguru-state. Here, thoughconsciousness is attached to the bodies as instruments, it isdetached from them inwardly by non-identification. The piercingof the mind amounts to the complete withdrawal of consciousnessfrom the universe and its total absorption in God. This is the statewhere the universe becomes a zero; this is Nirvana. Most personswho attain Nirvana never come back again to consciousness of theuniverse. Those few who descend to consciousness of the universe,experience it as nothing but God, and remain constantly in theSahaj Samadhi of the Nirvikalpa state. Nirvikalpa state means alife where the mental activity of false imagination has come to anend, and where the oscillations of the limited mind are all stilled inthe realisation of the unchangeable Truth.The Sahaj Samadhi of the Nirvikalpa state comes

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