DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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154 <strong>DISCOURSES</strong>Meditation regardingnumerous forms ofmanifested lifethe aspirant to develop proper perspectiveconcerning the real status and meaning ofthe numerous forms, and to cultivate aright attitude to them 1 . In this type ofmeditation the aspirant acquires the constant habit of regarding allforms as equally the manifestations of the same one all-pervadinglife and as nothing in themselves separately. This type of meditationaids disentanglement from the world of creation, andfurthers cultivation of the highest type of universal love, whichregards the whole of humanity and all living creatures as membersof an indivisible whole.But the type of meditation which is concerned with thenumerous forms of manifested life remains incomplete unless it issupplemented by another type of meditation which is concernedMeditation regardingone’s bodieswith one's own body 2 . One's own body—gross, subtle or mental—is, like the bodiesof others, a form of the one all-pervadinglife; but consciousness is fixed on one's own bodies by anattachment so deep that it identifies itself with them. Continuedthoughts of detachment concerning one's own body helpemancipation of consciousness and the dawn of true selfknowledge.Meditation of this type is very fruitful for the aspirant.The gross, subtle and mental bodies are all then regarded as cloakswhich one can put on or off.The type of meditation concerned with the numerous formsof manifested life and the type of meditation concerned with one'sown bodies, are both preparations for the form of impersonalmeditation 3 in which (a) an effort is made to withdrawconsciousness1Meditation No. 5, Table of Enumerative Classification (Part V).2 Meditation No. 6, Table of Enumerative Classification (Part V).3 Meditation No. 7, Table of Enumerative Classification (Part V).

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