DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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The Place of Occultism inSpiritual LifePART ITHE VALUE OF OCCULT EXPERIENCESSPIRITUAL emancipation of consciousness brings with it anunfoldment of many psychic capacities which are latent in thehuman soul. This unfoldment increases the scope and range ofPsychic capacitieshelp or hinder emancipationhuman consciousness. New elements oftenplay an important part in helping orhindering the spiritual emancipation ofconsciousness. Therefore, the aspirant notonly has to understand the value of such occult experiences asunusual and significant dreams, visions, glimpses of the subtleworld and astral journeys, but also has to learn to distinguish suchoccult realities from hallucinations and delusions.Although it is customary to exaggerate the importanceof occult experiences, it is not uncommon todoubt their validity and to treat them with a con-Contempt for occulttempt which is usually accorded toexperiences born of all forms of mental aberrations andignoranceabnormalities. The attitude of unqualifiedcontempt for occult experience is ofcourse most pronounced in those who

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