DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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60 <strong>DISCOURSES</strong>which expresses itself in the attempt to organise and understandexperience. The process of understanding experience impliescapacity to hold different bits of experiences together as parts of aunity and the capacity to evaluate them by being brought intomutual relation. The integration of the opposites of experience is acondition of emancipating consciousness from the thraldom ofdiverse compulsions and repulsions which tend to dominateconsciousness irrespective of valuation. The early attempts tosecure such integration are made through the formation of the egoas its base and centre.The ego emerges as an explicit and unfailing accompanimentto all the happenings of mental life in order to fulfilla certain need. The part played by the ego in human life may beEgo arises tofulfill a needcompared to the function of ballast in a ship. Theballast in a ship keeps it from oscillating too much.Without it the ship is likely to be too light andunsteady and is in danger of being overturned by the lawlesswinds. The psychic energy would be caught up endlessly in themultitudinous mazes of dual experience and would all be fritteredaway and dissipated if there were no provisional nucleus to takestock of all acquired experience and bind together the activetendencies born of the relatively independent and loose instinctsinherited from animal-consciousness. The formation of the egoserves the purpose of giving a certain amount of stability toconscious processes and also secures a working equilibrium whichmakes for a planned and organised life.It would be a mistake therefore to imagine that thearising of the ego is without any purpose. Though it arisesNecessary evilonly to vanish in the end, it does temporarilyfulfill a need which could not have beenignored in the long

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