DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

DISCOURSES Volume II - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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192 <strong>DISCOURSES</strong>self-ness. What a person has may be lost and what he desires tohave may never come to him, but if he parts with something in thespirit of an offering to God, it has already come back to him. Suchis the Sadhana of Karma Yoga.Even more important than the Sadhanas of Knowledge orAction is Bhakti or Love. Love is its own excuse for being. Itis complete in itself and does not need to be supplemented byLoveanything. The greatest saints have beencontent with their love for God, desiringnothing else. Love is no love if it is based upon any expectation. Inthe intensity of divine love the lover becomes one with the DivineBeloved. There is no Sadhana greater than love, there is no lawhigher than love, and there is no goal which is beyond love, forlove in its divine state becomes infinite. God and love are identical,and one who has divine love already has God.Love may be regarded as being equally a part of Sadhanaand a part of the goal; but the intrinsic worth of love is so obviousthat it is often considered a mistake to look upon it as a SadhanaThrough effort toeffortlessnessfor some other thing. In no Sadhana is themerging in God so easy and complete as inlove. When love is the presiding genius thepath to Truth is effortless and joyous As a rule Sadhana involveseffort and sometimes even desperate effort, as in the case of anaspirant who may strive for detachment in the face of temptations.In love, though, there is no sense of effort because it isspontaneous. Spontaneity is of the essence of true spirituality. Thehighest state of consciousness, in which the mind is completelymerged in the Truth, is know as Sahajawastha, the state ofunlimited spontaneity in which there is uninterrupted Selfknowledge.One of the

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