RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal

RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal

RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal


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Orthodoxy in IndonesiaAn Interview withArchimandrite Daniel Bambang Dwi Byan<strong>to</strong>roby Thomas HulbertWhen Archimandrite Daniel, the founder of the Orthodox Missionin Indonesia, came in<strong>to</strong> the little books<strong>to</strong>re in Amsterdam where wehad arranged <strong>to</strong> meet, he was fresh off the plane from Jakarta, a fl igh<strong>to</strong>f many long hours. Although he was tired, I could not persuade him<strong>to</strong> sit down; instead he inspected everything in the bookshop, visiblytaking great joy in small things. Father Daniel’s incredible journeyfrom Islam <strong>to</strong> Orthodoxy has taken him from Indonesia <strong>to</strong> Korea,Mt. Athos, the United States and Europe. The very idea of traditionalChristianity in Indonesia, long a Moslem-dominated country, bringsup clashing images – the colorful southeast Asian culture watered forcenturies with devout Islamic practices, now nurturing the strugglingseed of Orthodoxy. Indeed, Fr. Daniel’s own s<strong>to</strong>ry is like one out of theGospel itself, its disparate elements reaching harmony in Christ.Fr. Daniel Bambang Dwi Byan<strong>to</strong>roI had imagined that he would be a tall, emaciated ascetic, whosedoc<strong>to</strong>ral education and theological studies would make me strain <strong>to</strong>follow his thought. Instead he is short and round with an angelic facewide enough <strong>to</strong> contain his almost continual smile and a wisp of a beardthat reminded me of an Oriental sage. I was immediately disarmed byhis down-<strong>to</strong>-earth accessibility – he <strong>to</strong>ok off his shoes and put them bythe door, and we promptly sat down <strong>to</strong> lunch. We had not been <strong>to</strong>gethermore than a few moments before I felt that a good friend had come<strong>to</strong> visit after a long journey. Soon, a different side of him appeared,the ceaseless activity of a missionary. He made telephone calls in avariety of languages, quickly prepared his bags for the next phase of hisjourney, and checked his e-mail for missionary correspondence. It <strong>to</strong>owas varied: leaders of various Christian groups asking for informationon Orthodoxy, meetings <strong>to</strong> be arranged, requests for pas<strong>to</strong>ral counseling,and, of course, news about the current frightening persecution ofChristians in Indonesia. Yet he never lost his childlike brightness andrelaxed manner.Thomas: How do you approach the souls that come <strong>to</strong> you? If they areMoslem how do you work with them and how do you explain the differenceThomas Hulbert is the Western European correspondent for <strong>Road</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Emmaus</strong>

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