RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal

RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal

RTE No 20 Interior - Road to Emmaus Journal


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<strong>Road</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Emmaus</strong> Vol. V, <strong>No</strong>. 2 (#17)the golden thread of faithMARINA: Physical laws are subject <strong>to</strong> spiritual laws; physical and spiritualnatures are interconnected. When you pray for a man he can become awareof his condition and give his consent <strong>to</strong> be treated. Because of the naturalhierarchy of the body’s submission <strong>to</strong> the soul, the soul has <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> certainrealizations for the body <strong>to</strong> be successfully treated. Alcoholics, drugaddicts, and patients with psychological problems that are not bound <strong>to</strong>organic or endogenic disease receive much help through conversationsabout the meaning of life, man’s place in this creation, and God. They candistance themselves from their disease, and begin <strong>to</strong> work with it.I frequently meet some of my former patients at church. Many of them(sometimes even those with organic diseases) no longer need <strong>to</strong> be hospitalized,and require less, or even no medication. They pray very much,attend church services and visit holy places. Their disease is still with them,their psyches remain altered, and though one can see they aren’t normal,they are no longer dangerous <strong>to</strong> themselves or other people and don’t need<strong>to</strong> be hospitalized.One of my patients, when leaving church, says goodbye <strong>to</strong> the icons as wesay goodbye <strong>to</strong> our friends. The saints are real people for him. For us, St.Nicholas the Wonderworker is part of his<strong>to</strong>ry and belongs <strong>to</strong> the heavenlyrealm, but for my patient, the saint is a living person, a neighbor. Leavingthe church he says: “Good luck, Nicholas, I wish you all the best, see younext time.” I speak in such a way <strong>to</strong> other people, but he speaks so <strong>to</strong> theicons, smiling and bowing <strong>to</strong> each one.MARINA: Yes, times have changed and one can do it easily. There are alwayspeople who, when you begin <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> them about God, say: “If I ever need<strong>to</strong> talk about God, I will go <strong>to</strong> a priest. I have come <strong>to</strong> you as a doc<strong>to</strong>r.” Then,I don’t speak <strong>to</strong> them about spiritual life, but in every case, I attempt <strong>to</strong>.After many years at the hospital, I left <strong>to</strong> work in a large bank as the residentpsychologist. I am still there, and as I counsel people I pray mentally.Some people complain that they feel bad because of my “negative influence.”They develop a headache or believe that I have affected them in anunconstructive way. Others become quite calm and decide <strong>to</strong> undergo treatment<strong>to</strong> quit smoking or drinking or whatever their problem requires.When people are very distressed, I sometimes read the prayer, “Let Godarise…” aloud for them. A priest once asked me: “What right have you <strong>to</strong>read ‘Let God arise…’ ?”, but my spiritual father says that only demons forbidone <strong>to</strong> pray. So I pray.<strong>RTE</strong>: Do you think that this simply his imagination, or has his illness somehowpierced a natural barrier <strong>to</strong> the other world?MARINA: This isn’t an hallucination. For him the two realities are equal, but hehas no control or check over his perceptions. Nevertheless, ill people do sometimeshave hallucinations: some of them see angels, others see demons.Clinically, it is always considered an hallucination or delirium, but I don’tknow if sometimes it might be a higher sensitivity that allows them <strong>to</strong> discernthings beyond the average threshold of perception. I think that perhaps theyperceive something that really exists, but they interpret the spiritual realitythrough the framework of their disease. It’s not a simple objective experience.<strong>RTE</strong>: In the West, it is increasingly frowned upon <strong>to</strong> talk about God in theworkplace. Can you do this as a psychiatrist in Russia?2223

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