National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports


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Departmental Assets:Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Total2011$'000Cash and cash equivalents 14 33 161 384 175 417Trade and other receivables 1 323 949 15 367 11 057 16 690 12 006Property, plant and equipment 1 773 1 953 1 393 503 1 396 625 1 395 276 1 398 578Intangibles 591 589 11 852 11 785 12 443 12 374Inventories 20 33 228 381 248 414Other non-financial assets 76 82 881 960 957 1 042Total 3 797 3 639 1 421 992 1 421 192 1 425 789 1 424 8312010$'0002011$'0002010$'0002011$'0002010$'000Departmental Liabilities:Suppliers 346 206 4 016 2 402 4 362 2 608Other payables 88 89 1 028 1 035 1 116 1 124Employee provisions 717 691 8 332 8 050 9 049 8 741Other provisions 226 215 2 624 2 506 2 850 2 721Total 1 377 1 201 16 000 13 993 17 377 15 194Outcomes 1 and 2 are described in Note 1.1. Net costs shown include intra-government costs that were eliminated in calculating the actual Budget Outcome.Note 18C: Major Classes <strong>of</strong> Administered Expense, Income, Assets and Liabilities by OutcomesOutcome 1 Outcome 2 Total2011$'000Administered Income:Interest - - 2 - 2 -Total - - 2 - 2 -2010$'0002011$'0002010$'0002011$'0002010$'000Outcomes 1 and 2 are described in Note 1.1.106 <strong>Annual</strong> Reports 2010–11

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