National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports


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Changes to the public access provisions <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Archives</strong> Act 1983 were implemented on1 January 2011. The most significant change sawthe open period (the time when Commonwealthrecords, including Cabinet records, are eligible forrelease under the <strong>Archives</strong> Act) commence after20 years instead <strong>of</strong> 30. Cabinet notebooks willbe released after 30 years, not 50 years as waspreviously the case. Each year until 2020, twoyears <strong>of</strong> Commonwealth records enter the openperiod while three years <strong>of</strong> Cabinet notebooks willbe eligible for release.In May 2011, the <strong>Archives</strong> released a pilot onlineforum for users <strong>of</strong> RecordSearch to raise issues,ask questions, share tips and provide feedback.The RecordSearch Forum facilitates ongoinginteraction between users <strong>of</strong> the online service and<strong>Archives</strong> staff, and within the first month <strong>of</strong> operationthe forum had generated 21 discussion topics.Late in 2010–11, the <strong>Archives</strong> procured an onlinereference-enquiry management tool. This willenable the <strong>Archives</strong> to manage the process <strong>of</strong>assisting the public access records more effectively.The tool is being customised and will be availableon the <strong>Archives</strong>’ website in 2011–12.<strong>National</strong> Digitisation ServiceThe <strong>National</strong> Digitisation Service continued toprovide online access to digital copies <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Archives</strong>’ records. An extensive digitisationprogram, which focuses on high-value,high-use or at-risk records, underpins thisservice. Records digitised through the serviceare accessible via RecordSearch at no cost. Thepublic is able to view lists <strong>of</strong> current and completeddigitisation projects, and propose future projects onthe <strong>Archives</strong>’ website.If a person requires online access to records beforethey are available under the <strong>National</strong> DigitisationService, they can identify and, for a fee, orderdigital copies.Digitisation Officer Steph Katzer at work, <strong>National</strong><strong>Archives</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>, 2011. More than 23 million pages<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Archives</strong>’ records have been digitised.In 2010–11, digitisation priorities continued t<strong>of</strong>ocus on Cabinet, immigration and defenceservice records. In addition, the <strong>Archives</strong>’ stateand territory <strong>of</strong>fices focused on digitising high-userecords (such as immigration and post <strong>of</strong>ficerecords), and records <strong>of</strong> significance to localcommunities. At 30 June 2011, 23,167,826 pageswere digitised and published on RecordSearch –an increase <strong>of</strong> 1,102,222, or 5 per cent, over theprevious financial year (Table 14).Online access to recordsRecordSearch is the <strong>Archives</strong>’ online researchdatabase. It is the quickest and most efficientway <strong>of</strong> finding out what is held by the <strong>Archives</strong>.RecordSearch enables members <strong>of</strong> the public tolocate records, order copies or request access torecords if they have not yet been made availablefor public access.In accordance with established internationalarchival practice, RecordSearch allows peopleto trace the relationships between individualGilbert HerradaTable 14: Digitised pages and photographs, 2006–07 to 2010–11 (cumulative)2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11Digitised pages on RecordSearch 18 985 128 19 858 157 21 035 756 22 065 604 23 167 826Digitised photographs on PhotoSearch 173 891 196 153 224 265 268 175 293 443Total 19 159 019 20 054 310 21 260 021 22 333 779 23 461 26926 <strong>Annual</strong> Reports 2010–11

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