National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports


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Records and Information ManagementPr<strong>of</strong>essionals AustralasiaFormerly known as the Records ManagementAssociation <strong>of</strong> Australasia, Records and InformationManagement Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals Australasia (RIMPA)is the key body supporting the records andinformation management pr<strong>of</strong>ession in <strong>Australia</strong>.In September 2010, a RIMPA convention –Inforum 2010 – was held on the Gold Coast, withthe theme ‘Information continuity: safeguardingbusiness and community identity’. MargaretChalker, Assistant Director-General, GovernmentInformation Management, Barbara Berce,Director, Policy and Strategic Projects, and DetlevLueth, Assistant Director, <strong>National</strong> PreservationCoordination, attended the convention, whichfocused on information continuity for the businessand government sectors, individuals, families,community-based organisations, and Indigenousand minority communities.Margaret Chalker chaired a workshop exploringthe requirements needed in business systemsto support information management. BarbaraBerce also presented a paper addressing theeconomic and efficiency benefits <strong>of</strong> working in adigital environment.RIMPA participated in a number <strong>of</strong> events aspart <strong>of</strong> Information Awareness Month in May2011, the theme <strong>of</strong> which was ‘Informationoverload: finding the tree in the digital forest’.A lunchtime seminar held in Canberra drew a fullhouse, with guest speaker Hans H<strong>of</strong>man (SeniorAdvisor, Recordkeeping at the Nationaal Archief,Netherlands) <strong>of</strong>fering a European perspective ondigital initiatives.International Council on<strong>Archives</strong>The International Council on <strong>Archives</strong> promotespreservation, development and use <strong>of</strong> the world’sarchival heritage. Its membership includes national,regional and local archives, and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalassociations <strong>of</strong> archivists from 198 countries.The <strong>Archives</strong> is a member <strong>of</strong>, and activelyparticipates in, the Council.International Council on <strong>Archives</strong>Congress 2012The International Council on <strong>Archives</strong> Congressis the major international conference onarchives and is held every four years. The nextCongress in 2012 will be hosted by the <strong>Archives</strong>in Brisbane. In preparation for the Congress,the <strong>Archives</strong>’ Director-General serves asVice-President Congress, and <strong>Archives</strong> staffmember Margaret Kenna serves as DeputySecretary-General Congress.Margaret Kenna, as Project Director for theCongress, coordinates and <strong>reports</strong> on the work<strong>of</strong> the various Congress committees and acts aslocal liaison with key partners and stakeholders.A memorandum <strong>of</strong> understanding betweenthe <strong>Archives</strong> and the International Council on<strong>Archives</strong> was signed in March 2011. It defineskey organising, managing and presentationresponsibilities for each signatory. Following atender process, the MCI Group was contractedas the pr<strong>of</strong>essional conference organiser, and theBrisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre willbe the venue.Pacific Regional BranchThe Pacific Regional Branch <strong>of</strong> the InternationalCouncil on <strong>Archives</strong> (PARBICA) is one <strong>of</strong> 13branches <strong>of</strong> the Council. PARBICA comprisesgovernment and non-government archivalinstitutions and associations from the PacificIslands, Hawaii and Australasia. The <strong>Archives</strong> playsan active leadership role in PARBICA, and providesadministrative support to an <strong>Archives</strong> staff memberwho manages PARBICA’s website and serves asTreasurer on its part-time governing bureau.Recordkeeping for Good Governance ToolkitIn partnership with PARBICA, and with financialsupport from AusAID, the <strong>Archives</strong> continued tomanage the Recordkeeping for Good Governanceproject. Recent work focused on the development<strong>of</strong> Stage 5 products, which include tools andguidelines to help Pacific Island governmentsmanage their digital records. AusAID fundingenabled workshops to be held in the CookIslands and Tonga to promote and developStage 5 <strong>of</strong> the Toolkit.114 <strong>Annual</strong> Reports 2010–11

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