National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports

National Archives of Australia - Annual reports


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The majority <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Archives</strong>’ business is conductedonline. The <strong>Archives</strong>’ websites are therefore subjectto ongoing development and improvement toensure that existing audience expectations are metand new audiences are engaged. During 2010–11,the <strong>Archives</strong> continued to explore ways in which itcan use Web 2.0 technologies to build audiencesand engage them with its records and services.Grant programsThe <strong>Archives</strong> operates three research grantprograms to promote archival research in <strong>Australia</strong>and encourage scholarly use <strong>of</strong> the records itholds. Awards and fellowships are designed tohelp scholars complete an innovative and qualityresearch project that:• is significant for <strong>Australia</strong>n audiences• makes substantial use <strong>of</strong> the records held bythe <strong>Archives</strong>• produces as its outcome a public lecture,article, book, website, exhibition, film or eventto promote the <strong>Archives</strong>.Further information about the grant programs isavailable on the <strong>Archives</strong>’ website.Ian Maclean AwardIn 2010 the Ian Maclean Award was jointlyawarded to Dr Shannon Faulkhead, ResearchFellow, Centre for <strong>Australia</strong>n Indigenous Studies atMonash University and Kirsten Thorpe, Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander Project Officer at theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Technology Sydney. Their project willestablish a network and web portal to connectpeople working with Indigenous knowledgeresources in archives, libraries, museums, galleries,keeping places and communities.Margaret George AwardDr Daniel Leach, Honorary Fellow, Department <strong>of</strong>History at the University <strong>of</strong> Melbourne was awardedthe Margaret George Award in 2010. His project,‘The other allies’, will examine domestic securityattitudes towards nationals <strong>of</strong> occupied countriesresident in <strong>Australia</strong> during World War II.Under the Margaret George Award, Dr LyndonMegarrity received assistance towards copyingdocuments. Dr Megarrity’s project will look at<strong>Australia</strong>n overseas student policy at the end <strong>of</strong>the Colombo student era (1972–80).Frederick Watson FellowshipDr Peter Copeman, Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, AcademicSkills Program at the University <strong>of</strong> Canberra andDr Susan Lever, Honorary Associate, Department <strong>of</strong>English at the University <strong>of</strong> Sydney were awardedFrederick Watson Fellowships in 2010. Dr Copemanwill write a biographical play about Walter Burleyand Marion Mahony Griffin, intended for productionin 2013 during Canberra’s centenary celebrations.Dr Lever will work on the creative role <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>nwriters in early ABC television drama to 1981.Community Heritage GrantsIn 2010–11, the <strong>Archives</strong> again joined with the<strong>National</strong> Library <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>, the <strong>National</strong> Museum<strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>, the <strong>National</strong> Film and Sound Archive,and the Department <strong>of</strong> the Prime Minister andCabinet Office for the Arts to fund the eighteenthround <strong>of</strong> the Community Heritage Grants program.This program provides small organisations withfunds to help identify and preserve communityowned,but nationally significant, heritagecollections. Applicants include museums, libraries,archives, historical societies, art galleries, andmigrant, Indigenous and religious organisations.In 2010–11, the <strong>Archives</strong> contributed $20,000towards the grant pool and participated in thegrants steering committee, assessment paneland workshops for first-time grant recipients.Grants were awarded to 70 different communityorganisations, at a value <strong>of</strong> $418,000.<strong>Australia</strong>n Research Council grantsThe <strong>Archives</strong> also participates in collaborativeresearch with universities and other culturalinstitutions through the <strong>Australia</strong>n Research Councilgrants scheme. During 2010–11, the <strong>Archives</strong>supported <strong>Australia</strong>n Research Council grantsprojects on ‘Anzac Day at home and abroad:a centenary history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>’s national day’,‘Women and leadership in a century <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>ndemocracy’, ‘Gough Whitlam: a living democracy’and ‘An approach to preserving accounting andbusiness archival materials: enhancing accessibilityto inform research and practice’.34 <strong>Annual</strong> Reports 2010–11

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