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SITUATION ANAlySIS of ChIldreN in UgANdASTATISTICAl ABSTrACTpOSTnATAL CAReTwo out of every three mothers are not receiving postnatal carewithin 48 hours of giving birth.Seven in every ten rural mothers are not getting a postnatal check-up (comparedwith four in every ten urban mothers).Only Kampala (61%) is close to the national target (70%) for postnatal visits within48 hours.All other regions are at 40% or below; South-West is the lowest (19%).Mothers in South-West region are twice as likely as mothers in Kampala not to geta check-up.Four in every five mothers who have no education are not getting a postnatalcheck-up (compared to two in every five mothers with at least a secondary schooleducation).Almost eight in every ten mothers in the lowest quintile are not getting a postnatalcheck-up (compared with three in every 10 in the highest quintile).amoNg womeN aged 15–49 giviNg birth iN the two years precediNg thesurvey, the perceNtage that received post-Natal check-up iN the two daysafter giviNg birthSource: UBOS and Macro International, 2007; UBOS and ICF International, 2012141

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