Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers

Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers

Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers


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A.7.1 Particle CharacteristicsBoth types of CNF were vapor grown, but obtainedfrom different sources. In Murray et al. [2012], theCNF was supplied by Pyrograf Products, Inc. Thechemical composition was 98.6% wt. elemental carbon<strong>and</strong> 1.4% wt. iron. CNF structures were 80 <strong>to</strong>160 nm in diameter, <strong>and</strong> 5 <strong>to</strong> 30 µm in length. Thespecific surface area (SSA) measured by BET was 35-45 m 2 /g; the effective SSA was estimated as ~21 m 2 /g[Murray et al. 2012]. In DeLorme et al. [2012], theCNF was supplied by Showa Denko KK, Tokyo,Japan. The chemical composition was >99.5% carbon,0.03% oxygen <strong>and</strong> < 0.003% iron. CNF structureswere 40-350 nm (158 nm average) in diameter<strong>and</strong> 1-14 µm in length (5.8 µm average). The BETSSA was 13.8 m 2 /g [DeLorme et al. 2012].A.7.2 Experimental Design<strong>and</strong> AnimalsThe species <strong>and</strong> route of exposure also differed inthe two studies. In Murray et al. [2012], six femaleC57BL/6 mice (8-10 wk of age, 20.0 + 1.9 g bodyweight) were administered a single dose (120 µg) ofCNF by pharyngeal aspiration [Murray et al. 2012];mice were examined at 1, 7, <strong>and</strong> 28 days post-exposure.In DeLorme et al. [2012], female <strong>and</strong> maleCrl:CD Sprague Dawley rats (5 wk of age) were exposed<strong>to</strong> CNF by nose-only inhalation at exposureconcentrations of 0, 0.54, 2.5, or 25 mg/m 3 (6 hr/d,5 d/wk, 13 wk). The rats were examined 1-d afterthe end of the 13-wk exposure <strong>and</strong> 3 months postexposure.Body weights were reported as: 252 g +21.2 female; 520 g + 63.6 male (unexposed controls,1-d post-exposure); 329 g + 42.2 female; 684g + 45.8 male (unexposed controls, 3 mo. post-exposure)[DeLorme et al. 2012].A.7.3 Lung ResponsesIn mice, the lung responses <strong>to</strong> CNF included pulmonaryinflammation (polymorphonuclear lymphocytes,PMNs, measured in bronchioalveolarlavage fluid, BALF); PMN accumulation in CNFexposedmice was 150-fold vs. controls on day 1.NIOSH CIB 65 • <strong>Carbon</strong> <strong>Nanotubes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Nanofibers</strong>By day 28 post-exposure, PMNs in BALF of CNFexposedmice had decreased <strong>to</strong> 25-fold vs. controls.Additional lung effects included increased lungpermeability (elevated <strong>to</strong>tal protein in BALF), cy<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>xicity(elevated lactate dehydrogenase, LDH),which remained significantly elevated compared <strong>to</strong>controls at day 28 post-exposure. Oxidative damage(elevated 4-hydroxynonenol, 4-HNE, <strong>and</strong> oxidativelymodified proteins, i.e., protein carbonyls)was significantly elevated at days 1 <strong>and</strong> 7, but notat day 28. Collagen accumulation at day 28 postexposurewas 3-fold higher in CNF-exposed micevs. controls by biochemical measurements. Consistentwith the biochemical changes, morphometricmeasurement of Sirius red-positive type I <strong>and</strong> IIIcollagen in alveolar walls (septa) was significantlygreater than controls at day 28 post-exposure[Murray et al. 2012].In rats, the respira<strong>to</strong>ry effects observed in the De-Lorme et al. study [2012] were qualitatively similar<strong>to</strong> those found in the Murray et al study [2012]. Thewet lung weights were significantly elevated compared<strong>to</strong> controls in male rats at 25 mg/m 3 CNF <strong>and</strong>in female rats at 2.5 <strong>and</strong> 25 mg/m 3 CNF at 1-daypost-exposure; lung weights remained elevated ineach sex in the 25 mg/m 3 exposure group at 3 mo.post-exposure. His<strong>to</strong>pathologic changes at 1 daypost-exposure included inflammation in the terminalbronchiolar <strong>and</strong> alveolar duct region in the2.5 <strong>and</strong> 25 mg/m 3 exposure groups, <strong>and</strong> interstitialthickening with type II pneumocyte proliferationin the 25 mg/m 3 exposure group. Cell proliferationassays confirmed increased cell proliferation in thathighest dose group in the subpleural, parenchymal<strong>and</strong> terminal bronchiolar region; the subpleuralproliferation in this dose group did not resolve inthe females by the end of the 3 month recovery period.Cell proliferation appeared <strong>to</strong> resolve in malesafter a 3 month recovery period but numerically remainedhigher in the parenchyma <strong>and</strong> subpleuralregions. His<strong>to</strong>pathologic evidence of inflammation<strong>and</strong> the presence of fiber-laden macrophageswere reported <strong>to</strong> be reduced but still present in thehigh dose group after a 3 month recovery period.Inflammation within the alveolar space (as measuredby PMN levels in BALF) was statistically sig-139

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