I have a three-year old daughter. To teach her basic science knowledge, I always play some interesting games with her. One of her most favorite games is “raining ice cube”. We put an ice cube above a glass of a little hot water. Some seconds later, tiny water droplets will fall down like a lovely “rain”. February comes, new season greets us with drizzling rain whose tiny droplets dampen our hair and shoulders, running down our windows and blurring the world across the pane. Once my daughter woke up early in the morning and pressed her face against the glass pensively, and asked me “Mommy Mommy, there are some ice cubes on our roof, right? Our house is warmer so it rains like this, huh?”

I have a three-year old daughter. To teach her basic science knowledge, I always play some interesting games with her. One of her most favorite games is “raining ice cube”. We put an ice cube above a glass of a little hot water. Some seconds later, tiny water droplets will fall down like a lovely “rain”. February comes, new season greets us with drizzling rain whose tiny droplets dampen our hair and shoulders, running down our windows and blurring the world across the pane. Once my daughter woke up early in the morning and pressed her face against the glass pensively, and asked me “Mommy Mommy, there are some ice cubes on our roof, right? Our house is warmer so it rains like this, huh?”


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lifestyle<br />

Qu∏n<br />

cµ ph ≠a th›ch<br />

"chu»n<br />

Elise"<br />

Trong cuËn<br />

"ô qu∏n cµ ph cÒa<br />

tuÊi trŒ lπc lËi" cÒa<br />

chÒ nh©n Nobel v®n<br />

h‰c 2014, Patrick<br />

Modiano, c„ mÈt<br />

c©u mµ t´i Æ∆c bi÷t<br />

th›ch: "Paris th◊<br />

rÈng lÌn vµ ta r†t<br />

d‘ lπc d†u mÈt ai Æ„<br />

Î n¨i Æ©y". Lπc d†u<br />

mÈt ai Æ„, nh≠ng<br />

kh„ c„ th” qun m†t<br />

Æ≠Íng v“ mÈt qu∏n<br />

cµ ph.<br />

Bµi: Trang Ami - Ånh: Pavillon des Canaux<br />


N’u c„ mÈt n¨i gÓi nhæc t´i v“ nh˜ng ngµy Æ«u<br />

tin Æ∆t ch©n Æ’n Paris, chæc hºn Æ„ sœ lµ c®n hÈ mµ Æ”<br />

vµo Æ≠Óc Æ„ ph∂i v≠Ót qua c∏nh cÊng k›n b≠ng, d…n lËi ta<br />

vµo mÈt kho∂ng s©n khu†t, n¨i ÆÛng hãn lπi vang ti’ng<br />

v‰ng v“ tı chu´ng nhµ thÍ Saint-Laurent s∏t cπnh. Ch›nh<br />

tπi c®n hÈ bä nh· chÀt hãp lu´n ÆÀm Æ∆c th¯ kh´ng kh›<br />

lµnh lπnh †y, t´i Æ∑ l«n Æ«u chπm vµo Paris th´ng qua<br />

cuËn sÊ tay chi ch›t nh˜ng b≠u thi’p, bµi b∏o, tÍ r¨i cæt<br />

vÈi hay Æ´i dflng ghi chäp kh»n tr≠¨ng v“ mÈt chËn hay<br />

ho mÌi nÊi.<br />

Elise c„ c∂ Paris trong sÊ tay cÒa m◊nh. ß„ c„ th” lµ mÈt<br />

c∏i nhµ m∏y cÚ ven knh Ƶo Saint-Martin Æ≠Óc tr≠ng<br />

dÙng lµm khu chÓ ÆÂ bµnh s∏ng chÒ nhÀt. C„ khi lµ hµng<br />

tπp h„a chuyn b∏n h≠¨ng li÷u ch©u Phi, ho∆c Æ´i lÛc<br />

lπi lµ buÊi khai mπc tri”n l∑m trang s¯c lµm tı kim loπi<br />

cÒa c´ bπn h‰c cÚ. T„m lπi, c´ g∏i nµy sÎ h˜u mÈt kho<br />

tµng nh˜ng chËn vui ch¨i mua sæm kh´ng ÆÙng hµng<br />

gi˜a Paris t≠Îng Æ©u Æ∑ thıa m¯a nh˜ng chËn hay ho.<br />

Le Pavillon des Canaux lµ mÈt trong nh˜ng n¨i nh≠ vÀy.<br />

MÈt qu∏n cafä ≠a th›ch "chu»n Elise ".<br />


T´i th›ch dfich tn qu∏n lµ ch∏i ven knh, Æfia chÿ ch›nh<br />

x∏c Î 39 quai de la Loire, Paris 19Ãme. Tı b’n mätro g«n<br />

nh†t, nhÌ lµ ph∂i men theo mÈt vµi ti÷m cæt t„c, m†y<br />

hµng gi∆t ÆÂ c´ng cÈng, thm vµi c´ng tr◊nh x©y d˘ng<br />

cho∏ng h’t c∂ vÿa hà cho kh∏ch bÈ hµnh vµ m†y sπp tr∏i<br />

c©y tr≠ng bµy thºng lËi. Ch≠a k” cfln ph∂i b®ng qua mÈt<br />

c©y c«u bæt vµo khu d©n c≠ rÂi quão ph∂i mÌi th†y Æ≠Óc<br />

b¯c t≠Íng graffiti »n hi÷n.<br />

M∆t ti“n qu∏n-kh´ng-chÿ-cµ-ph nµy c„ g„c nh◊n xuËng<br />

s´ng n≠Ìc mnh mang. May sao h´m Æ„ lµ mÈt buÊi<br />

chi“u m≠a bay l†t ph†t nn ph∂i phi vµo nhµ. ß’n Æ©y mµ<br />

ngÂi ngoµi trÍi th◊ trÀt l†t!<br />

<strong>TRAVELLIVE</strong> 115

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