I have a three-year old daughter. To teach her basic science knowledge, I always play some interesting games with her. One of her most favorite games is “raining ice cube”. We put an ice cube above a glass of a little hot water. Some seconds later, tiny water droplets will fall down like a lovely “rain”. February comes, new season greets us with drizzling rain whose tiny droplets dampen our hair and shoulders, running down our windows and blurring the world across the pane. Once my daughter woke up early in the morning and pressed her face against the glass pensively, and asked me “Mommy Mommy, there are some ice cubes on our roof, right? Our house is warmer so it rains like this, huh?”

I have a three-year old daughter. To teach her basic science knowledge, I always play some interesting games with her. One of her most favorite games is “raining ice cube”. We put an ice cube above a glass of a little hot water. Some seconds later, tiny water droplets will fall down like a lovely “rain”. February comes, new season greets us with drizzling rain whose tiny droplets dampen our hair and shoulders, running down our windows and blurring the world across the pane. Once my daughter woke up early in the morning and pressed her face against the glass pensively, and asked me “Mommy Mommy, there are some ice cubes on our roof, right? Our house is warmer so it rains like this, huh?”


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TH°M NG§I ß≈N N‡I - DI SÅN TH⁄ GIõI<br />

ßi l‘ Æ«u n®m lµ mÈt hoπt ÆÈng kh´ng th” thi’u cÒa<br />

mÁi ng≠Íi d©n dfip xu©n v“. Phong tÙc nµy Æ∑ trÎ<br />

thµnh mÈt nät Æãp v®n h„a nh†t lµ Î c∏c n≠Ìc É ß´ng.<br />

N’u c„ c¨ hÈi Æ’n NhÀt B∂n vµo Æ«u n®m <strong>2016</strong>,<br />

bπn kh´ng nn b· qua vŒ Æãp huy“n ∂o vµ s©u læng<br />

cÒa ng´i Æ“n nÊi Itsukushima trn Æ∂o MiyajimamÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng n¨i Æ≠Óc b◊nh ch‰n Top Travel<br />

Destination cÒa <strong>2016</strong>. Khung c∂nh c∏nh cÊng khÊng<br />

l Torii cao 16m, mµu Æ· cam d≠Íng nh≠ nÊi gi˜a<br />

bi”n mÁi khi thÒy tri“u ln Æ≠Óc b◊nh ch‰n lµ 1 trong<br />

3 c∂nh Æãp nh†t cÒa NhÀt B∂n. ß“n thÍ Itsukushima<br />

cfln Æ≠Óc UNESCO c´ng nhÀn lµ Di s∂n v®n h„a th’<br />

giÌi n®m 1996.<br />

Tr≠Ìc khi Æ’n vÌi Æ“n Itsukushima, bπn sœ Æ≠Óc<br />

chµo Æ„n bÎi nh˜ng chÛ h≠¨u sao th©n thi÷n sËng<br />

hoang d∑ Æ’n tı rıng nguyn sinh Misen trn hfln<br />

Æ∂o thing Miyajima. Con Æ≠Íng Æi bÈ d…n Æ’n Æ“n<br />

Itsukushima tÀp trung nhi“u qu∏n b∏n »m th˘c vµ<br />

quµ l≠u ni÷m Æfia ph≠¨ng. Bao tˆ bπn sœ bfi k›ch th›ch<br />

bÎi kh´ng gian ngµo ngπt h≠¨ng th¨m nh˜ng m„n<br />

®n tr¯ danh nh≠ c¨m c∏ ch◊nh bi”n (Anago Meshi),<br />

hµu n≠Ìng...<br />

Tı xa bπn Æ∑ c„ th” th†y chi’c cÊng Torii Ưng sıng<br />

s˜ng gi˜a m∆t bi”n, ng®n c∏ch Miyajima - vÔng Ɔt<br />

cÒa th«n linh vÌi th’ giÌi bn ngoµi. ßi”m Æ∆c bi÷t<br />

ch›nh lµ cÊng t˘ Ưng v˜ng bªng k’t c†u khung vµ<br />

s¯c n∆ng cÒa ch›nh m◊nh, kh´ng h“ c„ bÈ phÀn nµo<br />

ch´n d≠Ìi Ɔt. R†t nhi“u du kh∏ch Æ’n Miyajima Æ”<br />

Æ„n ∏nh b◊nh minh trn c∏nh cÊng Æ“n tuy÷t Æãp<br />

nµy. Toµn bÈ c´ng tr◊nh hoµn toµn kh´ng sˆ dÙng<br />

mÈt chi’c Æinh nµo, mµ sˆ dÙng ph≠¨ng ph∏p ghäp<br />

mÈng gÁ bi’n c∏c bÈ phÀn cÒa Æ“n hÓp thµnh mÈt<br />

th”. ThÀm ch› c∏c kœ hÎ gi˜a c∏c t†m sµn cÚng Æ≠Óc<br />

t›nh to∏n tÿ mÿ Æ” gi∂m bÌt ∏p l˘c cÒa tri“u c≠Íng khi<br />

c„ b∑o lÌn.<br />

Itsukushima lµ mÈt qu«n th” gÂm nhi“u ng´i Æ“n<br />

hÓp lπi, c„ c∏ch bË tr› s∏ng tπo vµ mπo hi”m, Æ≠Óc<br />

x©y d˘ng bÎi Taira no Kiyomori, mÈt ng≠Íi c˘c k˙<br />

quy“n th’ vµo th’ k˚ 12. Vµo nh˜ng lÛc thÒy tri“u<br />

ln cao, trµn ngÀp c∏c hµnh lang, ng´i Æ“n tr´ng nh≠<br />

Æang nÊi trn m∆t bi”n. Ng≠Íi d©n Miyajima x≠a kia<br />

muËn vµo ng´i Æ“n thing nµy ph∂i neo thuy“n cÒa<br />

h‰ ngoµi cÊng Æ“n Æ” th” hi÷n s˘ t´n k›nh. Qu«n<br />

th” Æ“n thÍ Itsukushima Æ≠Óc cho lµ n¨i Æ∆t ch©n<br />

cÒa c∏c vfi th«n t˘ nhin nh≠ th«n nÛi, th«n bi”n...<br />

Ch›nh v◊ vÀy, phÙ n˜ Æ’n ngµy sinh, ng≠Íi giµ, ng≠Íi<br />

Æau Ëm kh´ng Æ≠Óc phäp Î lπi trn Æ∂o. Kh´ng c„ s˘<br />

sinh vµ cÚng kh´ng c„ c∏i ch’t Æ≠Óc tÂn tπi n¨i Æ©y.<br />

66<br />


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