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settlement going on. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Avenues were nicer—for the township. These<br />

were the established families, the old money. Then from Sixth Avenue on down it got really<br />

shitty, more shacks and shanties. There were some schools, a few soccer fields. There were a<br />

couple of hostels, giant projects built by the government for housing migrant workers. You<br />

never wanted to go there. That’s where the serious gangsters were. You only went there if you<br />

needed to buy an AK-47.<br />

After Twentieth Avenue you hit the Jukskei River, and on the far side of that, across the<br />

Roosevelt Street Bridge, was East Bank, the newest, nicest part of the hood. East Bank was<br />

where the government had gone in, cleared out the squatters and their shacks, and started to<br />

build actual homes. It was still low-income housing, but decent two-bedroom houses with<br />

tiny yards. The families who lived there had a bit of money and usually sent their kids out of<br />

the hood to better schools, like Sandringham. Bongani’s parents lived in East Bank, at the<br />

corner of Roosevelt and Springbok Crescent, and after walking from the minibus rank<br />

through the hood, we wound up there, hanging around outside his house on the low brick<br />

wall down the middle of Springbok Crescent, doing nothing, shooting the shit. I didn’t know<br />

it then, but I was about to spend the next three years of my life hanging out at that very spot.<br />

—<br />

I graduated from high school when I was seventeen, and by that point life at home had<br />

become toxic because of my stepfather. I didn’t want to be there anymore, and my mom<br />

agreed that I should move out. She helped me move to a cheap, roach-infested flat in a<br />

building down the road. My plan, insofar as I had one, was to go to university to be a<br />

computer programmer, but we couldn’t afford the tuition. I needed to make money. The only<br />

way I knew how to make money was selling pirated CDs, and one of the best places to sell<br />

CDs was in the hood, because that’s where the minibus rank was. Minibus drivers were<br />

always looking for new songs because having good music was something they used to attract<br />

customers.<br />

Another nice thing about the hood was that it’s super cheap. You can get by on next to<br />

nothing. There’s a meal you can get in the hood called a kota. It’s a quarter loaf of bread. You<br />

scrape out the bread, then you fill it with fried potatoes, a slice of baloney, and some pickled<br />

mango relish called achar. That costs a couple of rand. The more money you have, the more<br />

upgrades you can buy. If you have a bit more money you can throw in a hot dog. If you have a<br />

bit more than that, you can throw in a proper sausage, like a bratwurst, or maybe a fried egg.<br />

The biggest one, with all the upgrades, is enough to feed three people.<br />

For us, the ultimate upgrade was to throw on a slice of cheese. Cheese was always the<br />

thing because it was so expensive. Forget the gold standard—the hood operated on the cheese<br />

standard. Cheese on anything was money. If you got a burger, that was cool, but if you got a<br />

cheeseburger, that meant you had more money than a guy who just got a hamburger. Cheese<br />

on a sandwich, cheese in your fridge, that meant you were living the good life. In any<br />

township in South Africa, if you had a bit of money, people would say, “Oh, you’re a cheese<br />

boy.” In essence: You’re not really hood because your family has enough money to buy<br />

cheese.<br />

In Alex, because Bongani and his crew lived in East Bank, they were considered cheese<br />

boys. Ironically, because they lived on the first street just over the river, they were looked

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