Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020


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Key messages

• European chemical policies have

contributed to improved air and

surface water quality and reduced

related harm to the environment and

people’s health. Nevertheless, on‐going

exposure to chemical pollution

continues to negatively affect human

health and the environment. Latent

and irreversible damage to human

health is of particular concern.

• The projected increase in chemical

production and continued emissions

of persistent and hazardous chemicals

suggests that the total chemical burden

on health and the environment is

unlikely to decrease.

• The large variety of chemicals used

in Europe makes it impossible to carry

out robust risk assessments for each

individual chemical and monitor their

presence in environmental media

and in people. Significant knowledge

gaps remain regarding the impacts

of chemicals on health and the


• Current policies mainly address

single chemicals and often in separate

policy domains. A shift to a more

integrated approach for chemicals

governance that better fosters

innovation within Europe is needed.

The current single substance approach

is not fit for assessing and managing

the risks of the large number of

chemicals on the European market in

the immediate future. A shift towards

tackling chemical groups rather than

single substances offers opportunities

to accelerate risk management.

• A transition to chemicals and

products that are safe by design, as

well as using less hazardous chemicals

along the entire life cycle of products,

offers significant opportunities to

reduce chemical pollution and improve

circularity and innovation in Europe’s


Thematic summary assessment

Theme Past trends and outlook Prospects of meeting policy


Past trends (10-15 years) Outlook to 2030 2020

Emissions of chemicals

Chemical pollution and impacts

on ecosystems

Chemical pollution and risks to human

health and well-being

Trends show a mixed


Trends show a mixed


Trends show a mixed



developments dominate

Largely not on track


developments dominate

Largely not on track


developments dominate

Largely not on track


For the methodology of the summary assessment table, see the introduction to Part 2. The justification for the colour coding is

explained in Section 10.3, Key trends and outlooks (Tables 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4).

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