Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020


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Alejandra Bize Lopez, Andy Martin, Brendan Killeen,

Carsten Iversen, Gaia Russo, Hanne Koch Andersen,

Jim Daniell, Leeanne Galea, Marco Giannini


André Jol, Andrus Meiner, Beate Werner, Blaz Kurnik,

Catherine Ganzleben, Daniel Martin-Montalvo Álvarez,

Francois Dejean, Galina Hristova, Stéphane Isoard

• Analytical contributions from the Eionet National

Reference Centres (NRCs) for Forward-Looking Information

and Services (FLIS) and State of the Environment

Reporting (SOE).

• Analytical contributions from European Topic Centres

(ETCs): ETC Air pollution and Climate Change Mitigation

(ACM) (until July 2018); ETC Air pollution, Transport, Noise and

Industrial Pollution (ATNI) (from August 2018); ETC Climate

Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (CCA);

ETC Climate Mitigation and Energy (CME) (from July 2018);

ETC Biological Diversity (BD); ETC Inland, Coastal and Marine

waters (ICM); ETC Urban, Land and Soil systems (ULS);

ETC Waste and Materials in a Green Economy (WMGE).


• Strategic guidance and discussions with the EEA Scientific

Committee: Prof. Ana Iglesias (Technical University of Madrid),

Prof. Andrew Jordan (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change,

University of East Anglia), Dr Angel Borja (AZTI‐Tecnalia),

Prof. Claire Dupont (Ghent University), Prof. Frank Geels

(University of Manchester), Prof. Fred Steward (University

of Westminster), Prof. Greet Schoeters (Flemish Institute for

Technological Research — VITO), Hon. Prof. Jean-Louis Weber,

Dr Joachim Spangenberg (Helmholtz Centre for Environment

Research — UFZ), Dr Leonor Tarraon (Norwegian Institute

for Air Research), Prof. Malgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak

(Jagiellonian University), Prof. Per Mickwitz (International

Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics,

Lund University), Prof. Mikael Skou Andersen (Aarhus

University), Prof. Philippe Grandjean (University of Southern

Denmark), Prof. Tom Oliver (University of Reading),

Dr Vincent‐Henri Peuch (European Centre for Medium-Range

Weather Forecasts — ECMWF), Dr Theodoros Zachariadis

(Cyprus University of Technology).

• Analytical contributions from Collingwood Environmental

Planning (CEP), Futureline, German Environment Agency (UBA),

GRID-Geneva, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW),

Shaping Environmental Action (EA), Stockholm Environment

Institute (SEI), University of Manchester, University of Sussex —

Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU).

• Feedback from and discussions with colleagues from the

European Commission: Directorate-General (DG) Environment

(coordination), DG Climate Action, DG Agriculture, Joint

Research Centre, Eurostat.

• Feedback from Eionet — via National Focal Points (NFPs)

and NRCs from the EEA’s 33 member countries and six

cooperating countries.

• Feedback and guidance from the EEA Management Board.

• Feedback from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

• Feedback from EEA colleagues.

SOER 2020 is dedicated to our valued colleagues Pawel Kaźmierczyk and Anca-Diana Barbu,

who sadly passed away during the implementation of the SOER 2020 project, in acknowledgement

of their contributions to several SOER reports, including this one.

SOER 2020/Acknowledgements


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