Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020

Informe El medio ambiente en Europa: Estado y perspectivas 2020


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about using creative and participatory

processes to foster communication,

learning, agreement and commitment.



Backcasting analysis

Visions count for little if they are not

translated into actions. It is therefore

Short‐term implications

important to involve political actors

(or those with political influence) in

developing them. There is also a need

to translate visions and goals into

concrete policies and projects, backed

up by specific targets, implementing

agencies and monitoring frameworks.

Backcasting is often used to translate

future goals into a range of transition

pathways, which can then be used

to develop policy strategies and

programmes (Figure 17.8).


Expected trend



Transformative action

Within Europe, the process of

translating visions into targets is well

advanced in some policy areas. For

example, the EU’s 2011 Roadmap for

moving to a competitive low carbon

economy in 2050 (EC, 2011) used

modelling and scenario analysis to map

out milestones and sectoral reductions

needed to achieve the EU’s 2050 target

of reducing greenhouse gas emissions

by 80-95 %. Subsequent frameworks

have elaborated much more detailed

targets and measures to achieve the

long-term goal.

Similarly, the EU’s circular economy

action plan (EC, 2015a) articulates a

vision and breaks it down into more

concrete sub-goals and focus areas

addressing topics such as plastics, waste

and critical raw materials. In contrast,

the food domain lacks an overarching

sustainability vision and long-term

goals, making it hard to develop policies

and targets to support food system

transitions. The SDGs and existing EU

strategies can provide a foundation for

engaging stakeholders and developing a

shared vision for the food system.

Another mechanism for translating

broad visions into concrete actions

comes in the form of missions that

convey a sense of urgency and

Source: van Vuuren and Hof (2018).

common purpose, thereby stimulating

innovation and investments. As

outlined by Mazzucato (2018),

targeted missions provide a means of

bridging between macro-level goals or

challenges and micro-level projects and

experimentation (Figure 17.9).

Like broader visions, missions are

intended to be motivational and foster

bottom-up activity, as well as creating a

frame for target setting and monitoring.

However, by shifting the focus from

broad challenges to more specific and

ambitious but achievable problems

(e.g. achieving 100 carbon-neutral cities

in Europe by 2030) they provide a more

specific focus for research, investment

and economic growth. In this way, they

aim to promote collaboration between

all actors in the innovation ecosystem,

including corporations and disruptive

start-ups, public institutions and users

(RISE, 2018).


Coherence across policy domains

and levels of governance


Systemic changes necessarily link

to a broad range of policy domains,

extending well beyond environment and

sectoral policies, such as energy and

agriculture, to embrace cross‐cutting

areas such as innovation, competition,

tax, industry, education and welfare

(Figure 17.10). Actions in each of these

areas contribute to stimulating, orienting

and facilitating systemic change. In

practice, however, the fact that policies

— at all levels of governance — are often

developed in departmental silos with

contrasting objectives and expertise

means that misalignments and conflicts

are inevitable (Section 16.6). This

incoherence can slow down transition

processes, creating contradictory

signals about the direction of travel and

deterring investments (OECD, 2015).

404 SOER 2020/Responding to sustainability challenges

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