Setorial Panorama of Brazilian Culture - 2011|2012

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The cultural producer, therefore, is in a large universe, a numerous and difficult one

to measure. Thus, in order to consistently access this important player in the cultural sector

and the most varied nuances and shades of his function in the country, some criteria were

established for the selection of the universe of quantitative research that makes up the PSCB.

Due to the activity of the Federal Law of Culture Incentive, the Rouanet law, throughout

the country, its importance in the last years - already presented in the text Brazil and Culture

- was considered as representative for this study. Thus, the national base of proponents made

available by the Ministry of Culture in the Salic.net system was chosen for the construction

of the universe of quantitative research. This base is formed by individuals and legal entities

who, at some point, presented a cultural project to evaluate and obtain the benefits of the

law, consolidating, therefore, executors of projects of the most diverse characteristics. The

studied universe considered cultural producers and proponent of projects under the Rouanet

Law, enrolled in the Patronage, National Culture Fund (FNC) and Treasury Resource

mechanisms; with projects presented between 2007 and 2011; composed of natural and

legal persons. These criteria demonstrated a universe of 14,853 names in the national

territory. The survey database was built using information from Salic.net during the period

from 7 to 29 April 2011. In all, 7,000 names were organized, considered as the viable

universe of the research, that is, the one that enabled the sample drawing.


For the drawing of the sample, the following was considered in an identical

proportion to the universe:

• Year of entry of the project application;

• State of origin;

• Person type;

• Cultural area of the project;

• Mechanism of law;

• Access data of the proponent.



In order to obtain a 95% confidence index and an acceptable margin of error for

more or less than 4.22%, corresponding to the viable universe, the survey considered a

sample of 500 interviews, drawn among all contacts, thus ensuring randomness in the

interviewee's choice. Quotas for type of person (PF and PJ), state and cultural area were

also stipulated, so that the study had a stratified representation of the selected universe.


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