Glossary Plant Breeding

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application

a glossary for plant breeding practices and application


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then it takes one generation to equalize the frequency between the sexes, and the

second generation to reach the equilibrium. For the similar reason, the equilibrium is

not attained even after two generations for the sex-linked genes if males and females

start with unequal gene frequencies. One consequence of this equilibrium is that rare

alleles are virtually never in homozygous condition. Most copies of such rare alleles

are found in heterozygotes. The relative frequency in heterozygotes as opposed to

homozygotes is p/q, which for q = 0.001 is a ratio of 999:1. For two genes that are

independent in inheritance, if we start with a population of individuals of which all

are AaBb so that p = q = r = s (that is, all gametes AB, Ab, aB, ab are equally

present), equilibrium is reached in one generation of random mating as occurs for one


Hardy-Weinberg Law. A law dealing with constancy of gene frequency across

generations in a panmictic population in the absence of disturbing forces. In an

infinitely large random mating population, the frequencies of adaptively neutral

alleles of a gene and the corresponding genotypic frequencies (at equilibrium) remain

constant from one generation to the other unless there are disturbances due to

selection, non-random mating, differential migration and differential mutation.

Harlequin Chromosomes. Sister chromatids that stain differently, so one appears dark

and the other light.

Harvest Index. The proportion of dry matter that is accumulated in economically usable

parts. If the crop is grown primarily for grain purpose, then, harvest index (HI) is the

proportion of the dry matter that is accumulated in grain. As HI is a ratio of economic

yield and biological yield, a genotype having low grain yield could have high HI and

vice-versa. Thus selection entirely on the basis of HI is not reliable.

Heaving. Lifting effect of the soil due to alternate freezing and thawing. It may result in

the lifting up of plants and may tear them loose from the soil, or sheer off roots.

Helicase. An enzyme that breaks hydrogen bonds in DNA and unwinds it during

movement of the replication fork after initiation of process of DNA replication.


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